As for the charges against Manning, this is the
Charge Sheet. It can, of course, be amended at any time. He is currently charged with 4 specifications of Article 92 and 8 specifications of Article 134 of the UCMJ.
2. First I've heard of the homosexual bit. You have anything to back that up?
It's pretty easy to find, even without looking. The story originated with the UK's
Telegraph, who as one person on
Alaska Pride (a gay Website, duh) so wryly put it,
"Once again, a foreign media source reports what the gutless, co-opted, celebrity-obsessed American national media hasn't the courage to touch."
The political correctness of this scares the bejezus out of the American press,
and the military. The military don't want anything to do with it, because the military will have to admit they put a gay man who was mad at the military over DADT in a position of classified intelligence, and the press don't want to touch it because they don't want to look like they're attacking the military (Fox) or attacking the liberal's gay agenda (CNN and everyone else). The gay crowd is all over it, but not about him being gay, no siree, because that risks blowback, at is were, so they rail on the inhumane confinement and torture, torture I tell you!, of an American
hero, because, you know, all of the people in the past who have leaked stuff went down in the annals of American history as heroes, and Manning is, too. So there.
Here's Manning's
Facebook page, before it went poof. Note carefully his "other" interests. It's a page turner.
an article where it touches on things quite a bit, tho some of the speculation is (
probably, tho not a certainty) a bit over the top.
New York Times article that goes into more detail, most of it interesting stuff that you don't see on the Blogs.
Here's one
(Bradley Manning, the Gay Soldier Behind Wikileaks, is Hot) with a pic of him holding a sign, well, you can read it at the link, or below. The best is in the comments below the blog article. There's little question of his sexual orientation. They know.
They know.
Not a fan of DADT.
Bradley and his friend Tyler. They're cute, dontcha think?