Speaking of the Telegraph, here's an excellent article illustrating how Barack Hussein Obama continues to fulfill his campaign promises:
Barack Obama always thinks he's the smartest person in the room. Hence his foreign policy blunders – Telegraph Blogs
The boy president continues to make a fool of himself almost every time he's in the presence of foreign dignitaries. However, the American mainstream media stands mute in their continuing effort to enhance his image.
Special thanks to English Lady for introducing us to this excellent publication.
If you follow the link to the main article, you'll also find five other articles by the author that make some really good points. I particularly like this one:resident Barack Obama has made it very clear that he is not in the least interested in getting American government spending under control. A month ago he urged Congress to pass a $1.2 trillion spending bill larded with tens of billions of dollars for projects for Democratic Party core constituencies. Luckily, Senate Republicans found enough backbone to stop Obama’s latest binge spending programme as Mr Obama criticized the Republicans for their rare exercise of spending discipline. Now we have a new budget proposal by the President. He wants $78 billion in cuts in US military spending, with large cuts to current troop strength – 27,000 men for the Army and as many as 20,000 for the US Marine Corps. These cuts, along with the cuts Mr Obama has already made to the US Navy and Air Force – cuts in aircraft and ship strength – mean significantly less military capability for the United States and the Western world.
US defence cuts are not about saving money
Barack Obama always thinks he's the smartest person in the room. Hence his foreign policy blunders – Telegraph Blogs
The boy president continues to make a fool of himself almost every time he's in the presence of foreign dignitaries. However, the American mainstream media stands mute in their continuing effort to enhance his image.
Special thanks to English Lady for introducing us to this excellent publication.