Yes i have submitted my letter to the FMCSA. 7 weeks{!} later i received an Email with a link to the docket# so we know it was properly filed.
@ least i know i was ignored well.
driver did asked for a break, but they always asked for flexibility at the same time. with the 30 min. do not pause the 14 clock- drivers are infact been penalized for taking a break.
the way this rule is going to work answer none of the drivers requests.
it is a text book example of FMCSA ignoring drivers input.
when it comes to the restart, drivers clearly asked for flexibility. what they got in return are 2 more restrictions.
i remember very well the FMCSA hearing {yet not listening} to a company driver @ MATS describing how his carrier gets him home for EXACTLY 34 hours and how all of his time @ home he is forced by the carrier to keep watching his clock because once that 34 is over with he is expected to hit the road immediately. this new rule will not pot an end to those kind of practices. it was clear @ MATS that the 'one size fits all' will NOT fit this time. yet we have been ignored.
i have sounded my voice on this issues more then a few times. last week i have called the office of congressman Peter Defazio and talked with a staffer. {@ least this time i konw i was ignored since i did not had a matching Zip code...}
am now getting ready to execute my practices. some phrases that will, from this point on, guide me, are 'confiscated freight'. 'every place that is not restricted by law is a legal place to park'. 'a stop is where i can stop a truck'. and so on.
am also ready to document my loses and communicate such losses with my peers, FMCSA and my direct representatives.