TX road construction


Expert Expediter
Why is TX so deathly slow doing road construction? They spent 5 years working on 35E where it meets 20, and all they did was add one lane. It took them 4 years to build the ramps where 635 meets US75. They've been working on the ramps at exit 8 in Laredo for 4 years, and they still have at least 1 year to go.
In comparison, OH built the ramps on 280 in 1.5 years and they're building the ramps at the 70/75 junction in less than 1 year. IL is widening Chicago's toll roads and 80/94, and extending 355 in 3 years. PA did all that work on 76 in 2 years.
TX can't even use winter as an excuse. What's their problem????


Veteran Expediter
The heck with slow, you noticed all of the new bridges and overapasses? Now look at NY or PAs compare the two.

And what state is the President from?????????????


Seasoned Expediter
lets see they were working on i80 i90 in IL/IN around when my dad came back from nam what 1968 ////i think ny 17 was sposta be an interstate when//// they have been working on i95 through richman va how long ///i 95 in nyc gw bridge and the list goes on and on


Veteran Expediter
It's only been 3 years in Chicago? Funny... I remember them working on that when the first Daly was in office. jk Seems like it tho.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Seasoned Expediter
I know what you guys mean! They have been "renovating" IH 35 in New Braunfels, (just north of San Antonio) for 6 years. I think they are adding two lanes there. Almost done! And the 70/75 interchange in Ohio I think has been going on for 2 years now. My parents live about 20 miles from there.