Veteran Expediter
OK 1st question
the wonderful norcold Refrig in the truck has bitten the dust and it seems that the wonderful Norcold company does not have a repair location anywhere in the U S A actually what i foundout is it is a throw away refrig ye ha they cost what 400 + for this size and up to 1600 dollars so anyone know if there is anywhere you can get it fixed light comes on but nothing in the way of cooling .
2nd question ok
how do you get this sucker out as i am thinking of buying a normal refrig from lowes walmart etc you know one of those dorn refrigs 110 volt and will it work in the truck driving down the road big 2500 watt inverter ok but wondering will it work or is the michigan roads lol be to rough on it
I NEED ADVISE NOW OR A BLOODY BIG SLEDGE HAMMER taken screws out but not even moving so there is something i am missing that is refusing to move this refrige out of its cabinet it is sitting in
the wonderful norcold Refrig in the truck has bitten the dust and it seems that the wonderful Norcold company does not have a repair location anywhere in the U S A actually what i foundout is it is a throw away refrig ye ha they cost what 400 + for this size and up to 1600 dollars so anyone know if there is anywhere you can get it fixed light comes on but nothing in the way of cooling .
2nd question ok
how do you get this sucker out as i am thinking of buying a normal refrig from lowes walmart etc you know one of those dorn refrigs 110 volt and will it work in the truck driving down the road big 2500 watt inverter ok but wondering will it work or is the michigan roads lol be to rough on it
I NEED ADVISE NOW OR A BLOODY BIG SLEDGE HAMMER taken screws out but not even moving so there is something i am missing that is refusing to move this refrige out of its cabinet it is sitting in