TVAL box leaks


New Recruit
Hello all,
I’m new to the forum but have been lurking when I had a question or concern. But now I have a question and haven’t been able to get any answers for it. So here I am.
We’ve been out on our first year of expediting and for the most part love it. But we have one nagging concern about TVAL units. Is it normal to have boxes that have leaks? We are in our second truck and this one also collects water in the nose of the box. It’s going to get a repair but at some point I’d like to get a truck and need to understand what I may to look out for when purchasing a used truck. Thanks for any answers or points to where I may find more info.

Mr. Loyalty.

Rookie Expediter
No, it is not normal to have boxes with leaks. But, with boxes, semi trailers, and especially motorhomes, the corners are the 1st place to check fir damage and leaks. The best and easiest way to seal a box, rv, etc, is to buy the needed length of Konrees seal tape on eBay. This stuff works, and is super strong, and flexible with the changing temperatures. However, please be careful with this stuff, because it is so sticky that once it touches something, you can't get it up without messing it up. The top surface of this tape is a white vinyl. Also, elastomeric caulk is a good choice, as it flexes with the temperatures as well. Silicone is junk. It eventually peels up like a rubber band. Rust Oleum makes a elastomeric roof paint that seals as well, sold at home improvement stores for like 22 bucks a gallon. If you aren't afraid of heights, a hundred dollars of Konrees around all seams on the box roof and you will never have a leak again. Great to have a roll on hand in case a forklift driver pokes a hole in the roof as well. Instant repair.