Is this definitively coming from Fox or someone that once worked there and leaked it to Media Matters? I notice Fox has issued a cease and desist order to MM to stop putting out Carlson videos.So far Carlson is honoring the terms of his contract - not a word from him about Fox or anyone who works there. However, one has to wonder if Fox is bound by the same non-disparagement clauses. They've obviously mounted a leaking campaign of texts, quotes, and off-camera video clips that are meant to make Carlson look bad and intentionally damage his brand and any value he might have to another network or a venue of his own that he might want to start up. Does this constitute a breach of contract on their part? Only the lawyers familiar with the contract would know, but this smear campaign doesn't seem to be doing Fox News any good; the 8pm slot is still in the dumpster after two weeks, and their prime time ratings as a whole are down. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson's value is rising and Newsmax, as an example, is mounting an all-out effort to bring him into their fold - seemingly at any price.
Every big-name that has left FOX and then resurfaced with another outlet has done so with a diminished audience. Carlson may be the one to break that pattern. Time will tell. But the longer he is off air, the more his audience fades. Once people learn they can get along without you, they get along without you.Is this definitively coming from Fox or someone that once worked there and leaked it to Media Matters? I notice Fox has issued a cease and desist order to MM to stop putting out Carlson videos.
I would like to see him on Newsmax at 8pm. and also have some type of deal with Musk where he can have a monster audience on Twitter.
I suggested above that the longer Carlson is off the air, the more his audience will fade. That is not an instant thing. Audience degradation happens over time. It's not going to happen this week or next. It will happen over weeks and months if he remains off air that long. And it will not be total. He will always retain some followers. How many he retains depends on the length of time he is out of the public eye.As of 7:40PM this evening, Tucker Carlson's Twitter video has been viewed 20.7 MILLION times. At 7:30 it was at 17.7M views; 3M views in 10 minutes. It would appear that Tucker isn't fading, but Fox News might be getting a little out of focus in prime time.
Let the games begin! Popcorn ready.Tucker to have show on Twitter.
View attachment 22469
Nolte: Tucker Carlson Announces New Show on Twitter ‘Soon’
Nolte: Former Fox News primetime anchor Tucker Carlson announced on Tuesday that he will “soon” broadcast a show on
What’s not for a lib to love? Tucker on TwitterRatings: MSNBC Now Tops FOX News
For those who seek to own the libs, things aren't gong your way in the FOX News/Tucker Carlson matter. Carlson is off the air. FOX is in free-fall. And a costly war has broken out between the two. What's not for a lib to love?
Fox News ratings fall off a cliff after Tucker Carlson's departure
Primetime viewing figures show his program's slot has halved its audience in the two weeks since he was let go by the
It came to mind today, does Carlson even need a contract with Musk to run a show on Twitter? Thousands of people already do that without a contract, do they not? If I wanted to do a show on Twitter, all I have to do is do the show. No contract. No nothing. Why would it be different for Carlson?Tucker on Twitter "Soon"
"Elon Musk said Twitter had not signed a deal with the host, who would be subject to the same rules as other 'content creators'.
FOX would say the issues are already cleared up. The contract is valid and remains in full force and effect. At present, Carlson seems to agree as he is abiding by the contract.Could be clearing up legal/ contract issues with Fox.
Contracts are broken all the time. There is that saying “ contracts are meant to be broken.” Especially when you can make double or triple the money, have a much larger audience, and speak with more freedom on stuff. His huge audience awaits.FOX would say the issues are already cleared up. The contract is valid and remains in full force and effect. At present, Carlson seems to agree as he is abiding by the contract.
People can make up theories about what he is doing behind the scenes. What he is not doing in public better indicates his legal status with FOX. Stay tuned for future developments "soon."
That statement is laughable. There is no way FOX will tolerate a broken contract. Carlson may break it but if he does, FOX will immediately seek injunctive relief and high monetary damages. My guess is that very possibility is what is keeping Carlson quiet and off the air now.Contracts are broken all the time. There is that saying “ contracts are meant to be broken.” Especially when you can make double or triple the money, have a much larger audience, and speak with more freedom on stuff. His huge audience awaits.
Dude was already offered a hundred million dollar contract. That’s not fantasy.That statement is laughable. There is no way FOX will tolerate a broken contract. Carlson may break it but if he does, FOX will immediately seek injunctive relief and high monetary damages. My guess is that very possibility is what is keeping Carlson quiet and off the air now.
His audience degrades bit by bit with every day he remains off the air.
There is no evidence Carlson can make double or triple the money on Twitter if he does a show on Twitter. How many millions of dollars would double or triple the money be? Who on Twitter makes such money now? Yes, Twitter's audience is many times larger than FOX's audience, but that does not mean a larger number of Twitter users will find their way to Carlson's show if he does one there.
You are citing fantasy based wishful thinking. I'm citing present reality. Carlson is off the air and his contract with FOX remains in full force and effect.