Try to buy as little fuel as possible on 4-15


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So they fill up on 4/14 on the way home or 4/16 on the way to wherever and it accomplishes what? These events are promoted every so often but they don't have any teeth to them because the same amount of fuel is bought, just on different days. I would love to see it successful but just see no avenue to success in such an event. Good luck to them though and I have a full tank minus 10 miles worth so I'm set for a while.


Veteran Expediter
LDB pretty much said it all. I think I will by it when I need it. Waiting another day probably just means the price will be higher anyway.


Expert Expediter
Re: Try to buy as little fuel as possible on 4-15

I do that everyday, Try to buy as little fuel as possible.


Veteran Expediter
Almost a million people on Facebook can't be wrong, can they? I suggest that not only do we not buy fuel tomorrow, but we purchase and consume a gallon of castor oil. We'll show them! We'll show all of them that we the people are a force to be reckoned with. Tsunami!