Truckers protest!


Veteran Expediter
I've been waiting for this to happen. If I'm in the area, I'll join in. But what pizzes me off is that no one would do that in response to the government screwing us with HOS, or the increase in fuel prices (need for government to mandate FSC or get on the oil companies' arse for gouging). Gridlock on the highway around DC can put a halt on the gridlock IN DC.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

I agree with t-hawk.if you happen to be lucky enough to be in the area.

But what do you think bush will say maybe look at these fools burning up $3 gallon fuel.making me richer

I mean its the facts this country has sold out to the world years ago.
why do you think some protest now will help?

they lied to you and everyone to get the laws passed for us to give up our freedoms you have no say in anything.


Veteran Expediter
Sorry guys, but after reading all about it the idea of driving at minumal speed is rather dumb.

Stop traffic, have a lot of breakdowns to get a reaction - learn from the european truckers, they block roads to get their point across.


Veteran Expediter
And that's why the French are the way they are. To hell with everyone, I want what I want attitude is worse that the unions in this country. I don't want to prevent anyone from going to work... just make them late. ;)

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
I understand where you are coming from but think of it this way, what makes a bigger impact and makes people remember;

the slow trucks in all the lanes that just frustrate you and prevent you from getting your starbucks on the way to work


the horrible traffic jam that stopped everything for a few hours and prevented you from going to work

I would want the latter. people think better when it really impacts them and sends a serious message to everyone that the truck is important to them, not just a pain in the slow lane.

Beside it worked in "The day the earth stood still"!!


Veteran Expediter
Stop traffic, have a lot of breakdowns to get a reaction - learn from the european truckers, they block roads to get their point across.


Don't do them there truckers any good over there. They have on board recorders, Had the hours cut by 18 hours a week, and 55 mph speed limit, and no driving on Sundays.