Truck Stop Restaurants


Veteran Expediter
Re: Forget I bothered

and your the guy who'd let a restaurant go bankrupt because you told everyone to stay away because they couldn't afford a proper tip (note: I did not say NO tip) to the hired'd be real popular to the restaurant owners association....
Hey Joe...why's the place empty to-day?....
Bob: Oh it is the day before payday....and well ya know we don't allow people in who can't pay the FULL tip....

OK your grasping now, try again after your coffee. :)

Sent from my Fisher Price - ABC123


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Re: Forget I bothered

I'm talking about manual labor jobs, where the job itself is hard work.
So, hard work = physical labor. Got it.

The notion that hard work only involves physically demanding manual labor, and jobs which do not require manual labor are not hard work, is a very Socialist-Marxists position, incidentally.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Forget I bothered

Mental note: If I choose an avatar, I should be careful what I use. Considering the nature of this thread, an avatar that makes me look like an incurable Scrooge-- not a good idea.

OVM, I'm looking at your avatar.


Staff member
Re: Forget I bothered

When I was in high school, I did some cooking at the nearby Flying J. I like cooking, but I realized very quickly that I did not like dealing with hungry people directly, nor could I ever get the hang of the terrible cash register I was saddled with.

So before my shift, I'd get on my CB radio and declare that the food at Flying J was god-awful, and that something terrible had happened in one of the bathroom stalls. I suggested going to the Pilot just up the street.

This made no measurable difference to my level of suffering, and I finally moved on.
Re: Forget I bothered

That's funny stuff right there! I'm very happy with my new's kinda slow right now..but I'm liking the 20 and 30 dollar tips I'm getting! The lowest is 10...I usually do 19% at least. ..tonight I got 30 on 100...yay!!

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Veteran Expediter
Re: Forget I bothered

You know what made me laugh? The part where the server spilled French onion soup down the customer's back [cheese and all!], customer complained to manager, and was given a banana. A banana?
That's freakin hilarious, that is. ;)


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Re: Forget I bothered

We wish you luck.
I've been a server, from restaurants to cocktails to banquets/catering, so I can absolutely understand your frustration. It's how I feel about 4 wheelers who don't think when they cut in front of me & hit the brakes, or just keep trying to squeeeeze past me in a long line of vehicles: jerks!
But, as mjsprt40 noted, you simply blasted us, all of us, without knowing the first thing about us, and that makes me look at your username and think: you first.

Cheri I agree with what you're saying, but this young lady was upset and vented on all of us without thinking first. We all have done things on here that we may have regretted over the years. With age comes wisdom and with wisdom people will stop doing dumb stuff. I myself have said and done some of the dumbest things on Expediters Online when I was mad. I look back on some of my posts and think to myself " what was I thinking" I have said things that have upset people and can only ask for forgiveness to those who I have upset or offended.

As for tipping I try to always leave a good tip as these people are paid nothing from the truck stops. I always leave 30 to 40 percent because I delivered pizza when I was younger. Working for tips is not fun and can be stressful if you have a nasty customer that wants everything and runs someone around like a dog, then leaves them no tip.

To me it's about how good of service you give me. If my service is good you're getting a nice tip. If it's bad I still try to leave $2.00. Most of the time when Tricia and I go out I leave 30%. We had a server at Longhorn in Medina, Ohio who left us sit for 20 minutes one time. It was Christmas time and we had just came from shopping and was hungry. There was a young lady that was eight months pregnant that walked by and I asked her to get a manger for us. She asked why and I told her who our waitress was because we had been sitting for 20 minutes without any service. She got the manager and said she would wait on us. The waitress that was suppose to wait on us told our new waitress good luck getting a tip from them. I was wearing sweats and Tricia was in jeans.

This waitress assumed that we wasn't good tippers because I was wearing sweats. So our new waitress was great, but I felt bad because she was working when she was ready to have a baby any day. She told us that Lorghorn was having a contest for their servers on who sold the most $50.00 gift cards. The winner got two weeks off paid. She was trying to win because she was hoping to use that time when she had the baby. I asked her if she was winning and she said our other snotty waitress was beating her by two gift cards. Well, I hate stuck up people or people that think they are better than others. I felt revenge coming on because I wanted to show someone they messed up and help someone at the same time. We always try to buy our drivers and the people in the office something for Christmas. I asked Tricia how she felt about getting everyone Lorghorn gift cards and she was fine with it.

I was feeling a little merry already because I had one Blue Moon beer and I'm a light weight drinker. Our waitress came back with our food and I told her that I was going to help her beat the Stuck up waitress. She asked me if I wanted two gift cards? I said no hun, I would like 50 gift cards. She said you are joking, I said no as we needed to buy our drivers and staff gift cards still. I thought she was going to start to cry. I ate my steak and by this time the other waitress was getting mad I was later told. I had to prove a great point to this stuck up waitress. I asked for the cook to come out and gave him a $50.00 tip because he cooked one of the best steak I have ever had. When we was done eating I gave this sweet little waitress a $150.00 tip because it was Christmas time. She gave Tricia and I a hug and thanks us along with wishing us a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We went back to Longhorns two months later and the same stuck up waitress was eager to wait on us. I said oh no my dear, I said we wasn't good enough at Christmas time because you thought we wasn't good tippers so we aren't good enough now. I told her that I want the pregnant waitress we had when you refused to serve us. The young lady came over and waited on us. She told us she won the contest and used the two weeks off after she had her baby boy. We found out that the stuck up waitress had the nerve to ask her for half the tip because that was her table. She basically told her that you left them people sit for over 20 minutes and you think you should get half the tip? She told her to go pound salt. I love to make peoples day. Just remember the next time you have someone waiting on you, you could get a stuck up waitress that will leave you sitting for 20 minutes.
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Expert Expediter
If more waters/waitres would pay attention to the coustomer,
maby they would do better.
I cant tell u how many times ive had to ask a waitress for a refill on a drink,if I have to call u over to refill I cut ur tip, most of the time they are standing in the kitchen bull****in with the cook who should be cookin or cleaning.tables are dirty/sticky food on the seats, or u wait on him/her to show when there is no one in the resteraunt .


Expert Expediter
I always leave 20% or more as a tip. If I use a credit card (which by the way is paid off in full each month) I tend to leave a bit more as a tax offset, as the tip amount appears on the bill and thus can't be hidden by the waitress from the taxman. :p

The truck stops around here no longer have real restaurants. They will have a Mickey D's, a Subway, or an Arby's. But this is a whole other issue entirely.


Veteran Expediter
This may sound cheap but its how I do it..
I start with doubling the sales tax..Tip goes up if service/food was good and fun.
It can also go the other way with-out me feeling quiltly. Good service and poor food usaually gets the waitress full tip as long as she trys to correct it. I try not to take it out on the waitress for a bad cook.


Veteran Expediter
I start of with 0% then it goes up depending on service. I always pay tip in cash I've already paid tax on the money why should they to it USTA be 10% when waiters where paid 1/2 of minimum wage


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
There are many ways not to eat out, if you want to. It is not difficult to figure out that eating in a restaurant where you tip is really not being frugal with your dollars.

Many folks like spending $9.95 a meal eating out, not really wise , is it not? Old habits are hard to break and I did not do well with it either. But with technology of small refrigerators, inverters,microwaves and apu's, creativity can be way not to eat out every meal. It is just a lifestyle and eating out is a reward for many due to the environment of the job.

Here is the deal: 9.95 or 10 bucks a meal average times 3 is 30 bucks a day times 30 days is a chunk of change of 900 bucks for the month, well some of you do it, but you won't admit it.....did I mention the gadgets we buy daily( that's impulse buying and that's huge.)
Hyfield Trucking

Hyfield Trucking
