Top Funny Movie Scenes


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Does anyone have a favorite funny movie scene? I remember watching this scene a while back and laughed real hard. It was one of those quiet laughs that made my side hurt. One of my favorites.
Just a funny scene. Everything from the absurdly mean pony trainer, to the staggering Will Ferrell causing havoc at the kids party. What's one your top or favorite funny movie scene?
(This video has a couple swear words in it.)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Rags, If you owned a big pizza chain I’d lobby for your removal.
Since you don’t, I won’t.
That was kinda funny. Never seen it. ( Not a movie guy.)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Thanks, I saw Blazing Saddles, seemed Blazing Saddles like, just don’t remember it.
Might have been still on the floor laughing from something that precluded that.