

Seasoned Expediter
Anybody know of any companys out there that true up tires?? I have a push axle and wanting to get the tires trued up. I'm out of the Indianapolis area.

Thanks Brad


Expert Expediter
I am sorta slow in that I am not sure what true means here, but in Indy past the speedco is a nice tire shop. I wasn't paying so not sure how much anything cost.


Veteran Expediter
It means to make a tire perfectly round. All tires come out of production with a high or low spot thus the tire is not exactly round but more like an egg.

Next time you buy new tires watch them balance them as I just purchased two new steers and saw them on the balance machine going round and round and up and down. A visual high or low spot what ever one wants to call it.

True-ing means they shave the high parts off of the tires until it is perfectly round. Thus = way less weight to balance the tire and also exteneds the life of the tire much further than any rubber taken off. It also = a smoother ride, better fuel mpg, and limits pulling or front end vibration. It also extends automobile tires life by a large % I cannot give the facts, but I believe it is almost 35% but I could be wrong.

In my expierence, my truck after havin this done is harder to slow down not stop but slow. The tires are so perfectly round that there is no drag on them and it coasts forever before slowing. Out of round tires cause drag and more Horse Power to keep them going so you can understand the effect that Truing makes.

Now with that said when I had my new steers put on last fall the dealer highly encourage me that it was a terrible idea. But who you gona believe a guy selling you tires or two guys who have been Truing tires with giant success for a combigned total of 60 years expierence dealing with working on balancing tires and front ends on big trucks. I can tell you from my short expierence that the truck really did roll better, mpg was up slightly but not 10% but my tires wore very well on the Steers. Plus my truck has never ever been out of Alignment, and is checked every time I visit them and at NO CHARGE to me. If it is out of align than I pay.