HA! It's funny to see this thread back up here, but, since it is, here's the follow up; After however many weeks it has been, and, after leaving it up to the agent and my operations coordinator to work out, nothing was ever accomplished, so, when my retread blew apart all over the highway, (and we knew it would, did'nt we.x( ), i finally got the operations manager on the phone and he had it settled in two days. It was'nt really what i wanted to hear, but, i got paid a buck twenty-five a mile for all miles driven and the agent danced around the tire issue like Fred Astaire.
Well, sometimes i wonder about the big picture issue's, things like devine providence or what have you, And i recieved several calls from boss man at my old outfit. He told me they were extremly busy and would love to have me back. Then he went on to offer several incentives designed to grab my intrest }> . The biggest reason for my departure was the slowness of freight in the detroit area, but, the biggest obsticle working for landstar turned out to be the hugeness of the buisness and trying to seperate, and segregate, and deal with an entity with so many different moving parts. It's quite a system they have over there, and i'm sure it works out spectacurly for some...just not this some
. So, i guess i'll take my thousand dollar tire and my life lesson and go play in my own back yard