Tire pressure


Veteran Expediter
During MATS a representative from Georgia Freightliner said during seminar at EO site either mechanic(s) or O/O(s) had done research, as a result tire pressure only needs to be 92 lbs for expediters driving D unit(s). The reasoning was most loads are less than 5,000 lbs. The research showed longer tire wear when tire pressure was kept at 92.
Have any folks done this and what are your results?



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Most of the time it will say right on the tire. There will be some variance between tire makers depending on what size you are running. We usually run Bridgestones and use 105psi in the steers, and 100psi on the drives.
To be exact, your tire maufacturer should have a weight guide that will tell you the amount based on your vehicles weight.

21 years
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I spent some time talking to the Bridgestone folks. He said the best pressure level for maximum return on tire investment is the correct amount needed for the load being carried. He doesn't advise going so far as changing pressure on each run though. What he said is that steers generally need 100-110 pounds because that axle is running near max capacity with only 2 tires to carry the weight. On a 6 wheel truck the drives generally need 95-100 pounds. On a 10 wheel truck 85-90 pounds will handle the weight at maximum gvw load capacity and will give a little better ride as well as better lifespan. He said drives are especially prone to premature wear due to over inflation.

Those numbers don't match the 100 all around I've always heard but that's what the tire "expert" told me.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
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