Hi Kristy, I know of an expediter that was diagnosed with 4th stage lymphoma (SLL) 2 years ago. Today he is in remission and thinking about getting back into expediting. He would tell you it was one hell of a rough trip but a trip that can be made. You need to get envolved with support groups, FAST. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a wonderful support organization. They also understand that a lack of cash can be a serious problem and are very generous if help is needed. The American Cancer Society can also be helpful. These organizatios have offices in every large city. Your hospital should have a social worker. Ask your husbands nurse to make an appointment for you. As you probably know by now, there are many kinds of blood cancers. They all seem to have their own blog so get on the internet and find the one that pertains to you and your husband. The most important thing for your husband and you is to stay positive and active. Even if it's somthing as simple as doing a picture or crossward puzzle together. There are , literally, new drugs being discovered every day and your blog will have info about them. If you have a question you think I may be able to help with please PM me.