Time to clean up NASA


Veteran Expediter
I have for a long time felt that NASA is a money pit and they employee people who don’t really do much.

This latest cr*p with the love triangle and assault that took place makes me wonder what is going on in NASA and why are we not seeing any improvements with the organization? Is this the best that we can have working for us? I would consider that we should serious see all involved fired and get people who have some morals in NASA.

For all the money we have spent, we should have a reusable replacement for the shuttle being used today. We should have a vehicle that can be launched and return in all kinds of weather, the cost of delaying a launch is outrageous. We should have returned to the moon by now with the money we have spent and plan a launch to Mars before the end of the decade.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Can you imagine having someone that mentally unstable involved with the critical processes required for a trip in space? One would think that NASA would have some sort of continual evaluation system in place for physical AND mental fitness. They admitted that unlike the military, there's no rules or regulations prohibiting "fraternization" among crew members. My imagination starts to wander into weird territory when I think about the debauchery that could occur with four or five guys spending two weeks to a month in a space shuttle with a nutty chick that thinks she "loves" astronauts. If the powers that be don't jettison her from the program, they're as crazy as she is.


Expert Expediter
I have always been a fan of NASA and space exploration. The recent events have been unfortunate humiliation for the agency. Sad for the lady in question as well. Not only are the obvious issues present...she is also married. Hate to be her husband right now. I am sure he feels 2 inches tall.

The reality in my opinion is this. The events dont depict NASA so much as it depicts our society. Our nation and society has gone to He!! in a hand basket over the years. All you have to do is watch the news to see it. But, all we will do is make excuses and point to other problems instead of really fixing the ones in question.


Veteran Expediter
Well I feel that they all should be gone not just the one who committed the crime. We should have some standards here, especially because these are supposed to be highly trained (meaning tax payer trained) professionals that represent the best of the best that our country has to offer.

I find NASA is a lot like the UN, plagued with career bureaucrats and needs to have solid established goals that will do return something for the country, not the world. NASA shares too much, brought the standards down and fell into this idea that we have to do things together in order to move forward, which I feel that is all the cause of the lost in the direction needed to accomplish real things.


Veteran Expediter

I still blame them for the hole in the ozone.Seems that shooting a flaming rocket thru something would cause some damage.More beleiveable than it was me using Right Guard.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I just heard this a little while ago on the radio - in order to intercept her imagined rival, this woman drove over 900 miles wearing an adult DIAPER to avoid having to stop. Even though most all of us are used to driving distances like this, it's hard to imagine spending approximately 15 hours in this condition. I'll say again, I can't believe that NASA would let somebody this mentally unstable remain active in the Astronaut program.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Is it possible to have sexual realtions in the Space Lab? I don't think the SpaceLab has gravity and cameras and sensors are everywhere so how would they go about it.
Wonder how her husband and 3 kids feel about her,sorta reminds me about that dip ##### teacher in Seattle messing with that 13 year old.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Somebody in a "high achiever" position going off the deep end is nothing new. I think you could have all kinds of checks and balances in place and still have the possibility of this happening. It would be nice to get more bang for the buck from NASA. Privatize?


Veteran Expediter
I am watching the news this morning and can not believe it.

First I heard that Lisa Nowak was releasd on $25K bond.

Then I heard that NASA sent people over there to stand by her and escort her back to Texas.

There is no ethics in NASA.

Let's see,

You are supposed to be the best of the best and represent us

You are married with kids

You have an affair with another 'Astronaut'

You stalk the other woman for more than a month

You travel 900 miles to confront the other woman

You use diapers so you don't have stop

You dress up to cover your identity

You beg the other woman to open her window and then when she does you spray here with pepper spray

You are caught with a knife and a hammer

You are charged with attempted murder

and your employer helps you out, spinning it like she may be the victim too.

This proves everything I have thought of NASA.

If NASA is serious about getting the pubic behind them, they should fire these people.

Space, no space - it don't matter this is disgusting.

If this happened to a film star, OMG the press whould be all over this demanding her head, the state would send in a swat team to take out the stalker.

If this was a guy, the ACLU and womens rights organizations would be there behind the victim demanding justice.

It is time to clean house.


Veteran Expediter
Greg you also forgot:

We as taxpayers are gona pay for her recovery and treatment, while they will consider the outcome and if it comes out positive they WANT to hire her back.

What private business would put up with this kinda behavior? I hope the lady assulted, has a great lawyer and wipes this $%^&*() out financially. Can anyone one read backwards HCTIB.


Seasoned Expediter
Absafreakinlutely we need to reboot NASA with some serious managing.
I say we get Kellogg, Brown and Root in there, cut down the government subsidies, the cost plus project funding and the blatant kick in the chestnuts of the American taxpayer. Sheesh.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Al Neuarth, a guy I'm rarely inclined to agree with, pointed out in his USA Today column Friday that in nearly 50 years of there being astronauts, this is the first case of one being involved in a case of this nature. An astronaut has never had serious criminal charges. That's really a pretty good batting average.