Throw the bums out


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Interesting take on things.

Time to throw the bums out​

Time's up: The Zuccotti Park vagabonds have had their say - and trashed lower Manhattan - for long enough.

They need to go.

Be it voluntarily - by packing their tents and heading off in an orderly fashion.

Or by having th NYPD step in - and evict them.

But go they must: Their lease on Zuccotti Park has expired.

And it's their own fault.

What began as a credible protest against bank bailouts, crony capitalism and the like has, in large measure, been hijacked by crazies and criminals.

Beyond that, too many protesters demonstrate by their actions a level of contempt for residents, businesses and workers in the area that long ago crossed the line.

No one should have to put up with the incessant noise, filth and downright dangerous conditions the protesters have foisted upon lower Manhattan.

The drumming and tambourines.

The yelling and screaming.

The public urination and defecation.

The drugs.

The lewdness.

The criminals and their crimes.

It’s all got to end.

No one has greater respect for the First Amendment than this paper. Even radicals -- especially radicals -- have a fundamental right to public protest.

We don’t even quibble with some parts of the protesters’ message -- such as their resentment of the massive bailouts of banks using taxpayer money.

And we certainly respect the right of Brookfield Properties, owner of the park, to permit the protests.

But there comes a time when enough is enough.

Certainly, Brookfield does itself no great honor by pretending to be satisfied with the status quo.

Sure, we understand the pressure the company’s been under -- including, most shamefully, from cynical New York pols looking to cozy up to the heavily out-of-towner-based group, local radicals, and their manipulators in the labor unions seeking to capitalize on the “occupation.”

That pressure explains why Brookfield has been reluctant to push City Hall -- publicly -- for action.

Brookfield wasn’t speaking yesterday. But surely, it wants the nightmare to end -- even if it’s too frightened to say so.

“My guess is that we basically look to the police leadership and mayor to decide what to do,” Brookfield’s chairman, John Zuccotti, said last month.

But passing the buck to City Hall solves nothing. Mayor Bloomberg & Co. have essentially been hiding behind the fact that Zuccotti Park is not city property.

“If Brookfield were to come to us and say that their rules are being violated ... the Police Department will do what it has to do,” Bloomberg said last week. “But this is not a public park.”

No, it’s not.

But it is a public nuisance -- and it needs to be dealt with just like any other public nuisance.

Clearly, the city has the right to do just that.

What’s needed right now is mayoral leadership.

Could Mayor Bloomberg, at long last, be leaning in that direction?
“You know, I think increasingly you’re seeing that communities, businesses and residents in lower Manhattan feel that they are the ones that are being occupied,” Bloomberg said yesterday.

“This isn’t an occupation of Wall Street. It’s an occupation of a growing, vibrant residential neighborhood in lower Manhattan, and it’s really hurting small businesses and families.”

Added the mayor, “Other people have rights, too, and I am very concerned about the other peoples’ rights, as well as those of the protesters.”

Spot on.

Now he needs to take the next step -- and start the process for an orderly end to the extravaganza.

That means giving the protesters fair warning that their party is over -- and then standing firm in the face of the firestorm that surely will ignite.

If they choose not to leave -- which they probably won’t -- then Bloomberg needs to instruct the NYPD to clean the mess up.

Today wouldn’t be a day too soon.

Read more: Time to throw the bums out -

Time to throw the bums out -


Veteran Expediter
You know, I have zero sympathy for the people of NYC and they deserve everything they get.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You know, I have zero sympathy for the people of NYC and they deserve everything they get.

Same with that bunch in Oakland. I heard reports today that they broke into some buildings, vandalized them and did some arson damage.


Seasoned Expediter
Same with that bunch in Oakland. I heard reports today that they broke into some buildings, vandalized them and did some arson damage.

They smashed bank windows,store windows and set a large bonfire in the middle of the street.Agreed time for them to go.


Expert Expediter
Hey, this is great! Imagine the odds of this happening.
Do you know the park in NYC that the Occupy Wall Street protesters are occupying?
It's Zuccotti Park. Did you know this park is not owned by the city of New York?
It is owned by Brookfield Properties. Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney? Vice President Joe Biden's son. Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties? Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend. Now, guess what company just
received some of the last of the Obama Stimulus $$$$$. Thaaaaaat's right,
Brookfield Properties.
Now, guess what, on a completely unrelated note, Wisconsin is shaping up to be
the swing state in the 2012 presidential elections. Not Florida. Not Ohio. But Wisconsin. Now, guess who owns the company that will be tabulating the electronic votes in Wisconsin. Thaaaaat's right, the biggest contributor to Obama, the puppeteer George Soros. Whaaat a coincidence!

Now remember what Stalin said. "He who votes does not have the power. He who
counts the votes has the power".


Seasoned Expediter
From what I am reading it seem to be acording to the protesters the black bloc that is causeing the trouble.Many of them claim to be upset with the violence and the destruction of the black bloc.They are the ones who say they stand for liberty yet are scared of people seeing their faces so they wear mask.Some protesters are calling for the black bloc to be shown the door.Others however are calling for more violence and destruction to take place.This is what is to come these so called liberty seekers who refuse to make any real plans for this so called movement and welcome anyone in their ranks with open arms.They will all take the blame for this.

I to see much more of this coming and when it does I have a feeling they are going to get more then they bargned for as far as the police responce to it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What is the "Black Bloc"? I am concerned that there will be blood, and a lot of it, in the streets soon. The "hate mongers" will soon take this over.


Seasoned Expediter


There already has been.

Seems some have already had enough.A mob of people start pounding on my car and I might just hit the gas to.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Oh great. Kinda look like "Middle East" terrorists or maybe "black shirts". IF it really hits the fan I HOPE they continue to dress that way. Easy way to know who is a valid target.


Seasoned Expediter
From what im reading the protesters in NY are in a panic there is a rumor going around that the police will move in tonight to evict them from the park.Get this With out notice.One can only wish.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If I remember correctly that park is private property. If that is correct those protesters SHOULD be arrested and forced to pay to repair all of the damage that they have done to that property. Give them a REAL life lesson in personal responsibility. In other words, you break it, you fix it.


Veteran Expediter
If I remember correctly that park is private property. If that is correct those protesters SHOULD be arrested and forced to pay to repair all of the damage that they have done to that property.
While you do remember correctly (it is privately owned .... but publicly accessible) you are absolutely wrong about arresting "those protesters" ....

Any damage done was likely done by individuals - not by a "them". Remember that personal responsibility thing you are so fond of ?

Since specific individuals did any damage, they are the ones that ought to held accountable.

Further, arresting all protesters would act as a unwarranted penalty and punishment to those who have committed no wrong - other than exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

That would be unjust.

Give them a REAL life lesson in personal responsibility. In other words, you break it, you fix it.
Sounds like you oughta head down there .... they could give YOU a REAL LIFE LESSON in citizen participation and democracy.