With all due respect Dakota, (that's the equivalent of using smilies), you could get the HE double hockey sticks out and start your own forum devoted to humor topics that get beyond beat to death.
Now, of course, I didn't mean that. I just thought if Dakota saw that kind of statement directed at him, he might see how rude and stupid it is to type something like that.
So, I ask, are those of us who grow weary of the inane chatter the problem? Or, is the small group of chatters that think that kind of domination is good for the forum?
ya know Star..hope I type this right.....the chatter moderates with the business..sometimes when everyone is sitting and bored it gets very chatty... at times it is almost non existent.
There will always be chatter..it all comes down to how much...and by whoms standards?...how much is too much I ask? Are some asking for No chatter at all...or just a little bit?....How much is a little bit? and again I ask...whom judges just how much a little bit is....
A chat/banter thread would be good...In the location thread one could give said location and how the weather is as an add on and then switch over to the chat thread....it is simple to do but appears hard to get people into the habit...including myself...guilty as charged...