Expert Expediter
It would be an interesting poll, but it couldn't be too generic in order to mean anything. Would I give up expediting for a stable paycheck working in a factory? No. I like the lifestyle of the road too much. Would I give it up to be a mechanic in a railroad diesel yard? Not hardly. An engineer or a brakeman, yeah. Would I give up expediting to get into the airline industry? Certainly not as a baggage handler.
Yes, there's a certain way the Poll Question would have to be worded, just as you pointed out. But if one put in enough thought on how to word the question specifically, giving the pollsters to really put thought into answering the question truthfully, I too think it would be an interesting poll.
Honestly, how many drivers are out there right now because the industry they strive to be in just doesn't have any opportunites open today? How many drivers are out there because they have no other choice but to drive a CV, a ST, etc?
Jump on this there CC. Let's see if you can come up with an interesting and truthfully answerable Poll Question that may get drivers to thinking whether they truly Love Expediting and the lifestyle it demands or if they're just biding time for now.