Hey all, I recently started expediting for a (insert company name here) and I have been doing really well and enjoying the scenery. My roommate has wanted to join me for a few weeks now and this was our initial plan for months, but I was able to start before him due to availability. He submitted an application and was told that he was denied because he has a few speeding tickets. I know this person very well and they have good driving skills but just got unlucky and got clocked speeding to work for a new job about 2 years ago. They said that they cannot hire him because of these tickets, he only has 2 tickets on record for the last 3 years, and 2 tickets total on his driving record. These two tickets are however for 15 over the limit. I really wanted to be able to team with him but now I am kinda stuck and he isn't sure on what to do. I was just wondering if there was any way to go around these or talk to (insert company name here) and see what our options are, but I assume there aren't any. For the state we live in, tickets stay on your license for two years, he did confirm that in November, the oldest ticket would expire from his license, as far as points go, but I am pretty sure (insert company name here) does a 3 year DMV report, so it wouldn't matter would it? Other than the tickets, he has no criminal history or accidents, and has a sold background in driving the type of vehicle (sprinter) that we will be driving. The fleet owner doesn't care about the tickets but he said it is up to the company. Any ideas or suggestions? I am totally fine with just being told "Nope, you are screwed until his 3 year DMV report comes back clean." and I figure that is what I will be told unless there is some secret.