The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
In turn, Trump has tweeted out the same number and added a Trump for President commercial, when you call it. :D

That's what he does best: self promotion. It's how he's leveraged the money & reputation of his father [a wealthy NY real estate developer] into a multibillion dollar empire.Excellent chops for a luxury real estate/development dealmaker, but for POTUS?
Moot's dog Lyla would do a better job - and look better doing it. :stop:
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The dog would be way better than Trump. Trump would be exponentially better than what we have. Wow, that's bad when you can't hold a candle to someone who can't hold a candle to a dog.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Another Donald Trump firestorm. Many pundits are saying this will be his death knell for his Presidential run. Although they have been saying similar things for a couple of months now. :rolleyes:
Backlash against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his comments attacking Fox News Channel anchor Megyn Kelly has lead to several of his competitors criticizing him and an invitation to speak at the RedState Gathering rescinded late Friday.

As Breitbart News reported, Trump was unhappy with some of the questions Kelly asked him when she was moderating Thursday evening’s GOP Debate, and in an appearance on CNN Tonight on Friday said that Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.” Many interpreted this comment asinappropriate or even sexist.

Carly Fiorina, the only female in the Republican presidential primary, was the first among the Republican field to criticize Trump’s words, posting two tweets Friday evening. “Mr. Trump, There. Is. No. Excuse.” and “I stand with @megynkelly,” she wrote, as Breitbart News reported.

Former Gov. George Pataki (R-NY) concurred with Fiorina shortly thereafter, posting his own tweet calling it a “sad but predictable meltdown” from Trump and saying that the “outrage at Trump’s divisive language is long overdue.”

Trump was originally scheduled to have a plum speaking slot at the RedState Gathering in Atlanta on Sunday, but RedState Editor-in-Chief Erick Erickson rescinded Trump’s invite. He first posted the news on Twitter, calling Trump’s comments “a bridge too far,” and then later followed up with a longer post at RedState explaining his decision.

Erickson, who for years has been a vocal critic of Republican establishment figures like Senate Majority Leader

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
and wrote a post endorsing the “Sweet Meteor of Death” over former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) in 2012, praised Trump for not being a “professional politician” and for being known as a “blunt talker.”

Trump “connects with so much of the anger in the Republican base and is not afraid to be outspoken on a lot of issues,” wrote Erickson. However, he continued:

But there are even lines blunt talkers and unprofessional politicians should not cross.

Decency is one of those lines…

[W]hile Mr. Trump resonates with a lot of people with his bluntness, including me to a degree, there are just real lines of decency a person running for President should not cross.

His comment was inappropriate. It is unfortunate to have to disinvite him. But I just don’t want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal. It just was wrong.

Erickson concluded by noting that he had invited Kelly to speak in Trump’s place, although it was not yet clear if she would be able to make it given the short notice.

In an interview with Robert Costa at the Washington Post, Erickson said that he had a “combative” phone call with Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign manager, asking him to “clarify the remark.” Erickson was dissatisfied with Lewandowski’s explanation and emailed him to tell him that Trump was no longer invited to speak at the RedState Gathering.

“I didn’t think it was a genuine clarification,” said Erickson. “When I first talked to him, he didn’t want to even admit that Donald Trump made the remark.” Erickson told Costa that Lewandowski kept focusing on the “blood in her eyes” comment and not the second half of the quote, despite repeated questioning, and then tried to characterize it as Trump misspeaking. “I didn’t accept that he misspoke, based on the context of the video,” said Erickson.

Erickson rejected Costa’s suggestion that he was acting as a “referee for the conservative movement to keep Trump from riling the race,” saying that he “didn’t want to give [Trump] a hard time” and did not like that he “had to disinvite him.”

“But there are bounds of what’s acceptable in our discourse and they’re not different for you, or me, or someone else,” he explained. “I’m not going to have a guy on stage with my wife and daughter in the crowd who thinks a tough question from a woman is because of hormones.”

Politico also reported on the story, noting that Erickson told reporters that Trump had “disqualified himself at this point” from the Republican nomination for President and predicted that this would mark the “beginning of the end” for Trump’s campaign.

“When you make comments about a reporter like that —look, I’ve made plenty of comments about reporters in the past, male and female, but I’ve never once suggested one of them was angry because it was her time of the month,” said Erickson. “That’s just a party foul. No candidate should do something like that, I’m embarrassed to even talk about what he’s implying.”

The Trump campaign responded in a statement released to the press attacking Erickson. “This is just another example of weakness through being politically correct. For all of the people who were looking forward to Mr. Trump coming, we will miss you. Blame Erick Erickson, your weak and pathetic leader. We’ll now be doing another campaign stop at another location,” the statement read.

Erickson remained unfazed by Trump’s attack on him, tweeting that he thought that what was really weak and pathetic was “blaming a tough question on hormones” and that it was his event and his microphone, reminiscent of President Ronald Reagan’s famous quote during a 1980 New Hampshire debate, “I am paying for this microphone.”


Veteran Expediter
It's pretty obvious trump has a sexist veiw of women. This isn't the first time he has made derogatory comments about or too them. I'm sure he has some well paid women in his company but he does show an underlying feeling of them.
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Veteran Expediter
It's pretty obvious trump has a sexist veiw of women. This isn't the first time he has made derogatory comments about or too them. I'm sure he has some well paid women in his company but he does show an underlying feeling of them.
I haven't followed Trump very closely, but it appears to me Trump is equally tough with men and women alike. What seems a little different about Trump is he refuses to treat all women with the special deference political correctness demands. Trump behaves as a gentleman until provoked. Then, his blunt language and namecalling fall on their targets without regard for gender. In this sense, Trump is egalitarian. As Megyn Kelly learned, being female is no defense against stupidly playing the provocateur. Fox News, to their shame, organized a hit on Donald Trump.


Veteran Expediter
I have to disagree, trump talks in public like he does in a boardroom full of men. He's always been the top dog so no one has told him he is out of line. As far as a hit on trump he and Hillary are the front runners at this time and if the world tilted on its axis and trump became the candidate her people and her pacs would be all over his veiw towards women. Because of that it was a extremely viable question.
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Veteran Expediter
What is Trump's view toward women? Does he have a view that applies to all women equally? Is his view toward adversarial women any different than his view toward adversarial men?

Hillary Clinton will portray any Republican male who garners the GOP nomination as sexist, you can bet on that. At this early point in time, Trump's name is just as likely to appear at the top of a ticket(independent party) as is Hillary's. Hillary Clinton does not enjoy the widespread popular support many would have us believe.

I like Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker and Carly Fiorina. In that order. Every candidate I liked in 2012 bombed out, time will tell if these candidates do well.


Veteran Expediter
I have to disagree, trump talks in public like he does in a boardroom full of men. He's always been the top dog so no one has told him he is out of line. As far as a hit on trump he and Hillary are the front runners at this time and if the world tilted on its axis and trump became the candidate her people and her pacs would be all over his veiw towards women. Because of that it was a extremely viable question.
No hey she acts like one why not say it that's what is wrong to many people think they an act they want and if anybody says an thing they are automatically wrong


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Nice logo. Strikes a patriotic theme. Suggestive of the Minuteman image from the Revolutionary era.

I haven't followed Trump very closely, but it appears to me Trump is equally tough with men and women alike. What seems a little different about Trump is he refuses to treat all women with the special deference political correctness demands. Trump behaves as a gentleman until provoked. Then, his blunt language and namecalling fall on their targets without regard for gender. In this sense, Trump is egalitarian. As Megyn Kelly learned, being female is no defense against stupidly playing the provocateur. Fox News, to their shame, organized a hit on Donald Trump.
Agree. Trump insults both men and women. He criticizes their looks, their intelligence and their behavior. It's usually after they attack him.
Is it sexist to insult a women on how she looks? It may be crass, but not necessarily sexist all the time.
Some that claim it's sexist, merely look to the insults of male candidate's looks, such as Chris Christie's weight or Marco Rubio's hairline. Yes, there are actual news stories about their viability for President based on their looks.
Regarding the Megyn Kelly question in the debate. I thought the premise of the question was flawed and the examples she gave didn't offer context. Again, Trump insults both genders, why is the female debate moderator, who I assume wants to be taken seriously, singling out a specific gender that he criticizes?
Regarding his insult of Megyn Kelly. His phrase was something you don't usually hear-- Blood in her eyes, and wherever.(paraphrase)A vaguely worded statement. When I first heard it, I took it as Trump meaning that she was going for blood.(attacking him with sexist question)
Or she had fire in her eyes.(blood)You could see it in her eyes.
'Or wherever' --such as ears,nose.
It didn't occur that some would take it as a hormonal reference.
IMO, there's some phony outrage out there regarding this.


Veteran Expediter
The political media and pundits are obsessed with Trump. Probably because he doesn't follow their playbook, doesn't court their favor nor bow to their altar. Trump isn't subject to the media's whims. He is somewhat outside their control and this is most objectionable. The media lose a certain amount of relevance and power over the process with a candidate like Trump. American media jealously guards its power. That's why we see CNN and MSNBC coming to Megyn Kelly's defense. Trump represents a threat to the status quo.


Expert Expediter
Will the real Donald Trump please stand up?
Over the past two decades he was a Republican, then an independent, then a Democrat, then a Republican.
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