The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The website Gawker has published a phone number belonging to Donald Trump. An apparent attempt to give Trump a taste of his own medicine after he publicly gave out Sen. Lindsey Graham's phone number. Brilliant thinking by Gawker.:rolleyes:
Call Donald Trump's Cell Phone and Ask Him About His Important Ideas

Last month, American reality show entertainer turned American political system entertainer Donald Trumppublicized presidential rival Sen. Lindsey Graham’s cell number, urging his supporters to “try it.” In the spirit of open and fair political debate, we now bring you Trump’s number.

After sharing Graham’s digits at a campaign rally—he held it up printed on a large note card for all to see and read the number aloud—Trump joked “you know he won’t fix anything, but at least he’ll talk to you.” Graham responded by comicallydestroying his compromised cell phone on video.

Since Trump, in his considered political judgment, has decided that opening up a direct, personal channel of communications between his supporters and his primary opponents is a noble campaign tactic, we think it’s only fair and right that Republican primary voters be able to reach out to Trump himself. If it is the case—as Trump’s release of Graham’s number implicitly argues—that our political discourse improves when voters can ring up candidates on their private cell phones, then we are happy to add Trump’s cell phone number to the body of public knowledge. You can reach Donald Trump at 917-756-8000.

He has some pressing questions to answer. Does he still think Mexicans are out to rape you? Speaking of rape, does he think it’s possible to rape your own wife? Just how much did he exaggerate his net worth to hit the $10 billion figure? What about breast milk does he find so disgusting? Which cabinet position would he give Sarah Palin? Interesting topics, all.

It appears that he’s got an aide picking up for him at least some of the time, so if you hear an unfamiliar voice just be sure to ask for Mr. Trump.

As we pointed out when we brought you Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit’s cell number,according to the Citizen Media Law Project it’s legal to unilaterally record any conversation you might have with Trump in many states (be sure to check the site to make sure it’s OK where you are). And of course, make sure to share it with us.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
On second thought...epic fail by Gawker. Trump strikes again::D
In yet another savvy move that helps to explain his growing appeal, Donald Trump turned what was supposed to be a public humiliation handed to him by the left-wing nihilists at Gawker, into yet-another triumph against the media.

Monday Gawker got a hold of and published the billionaire businessman’s cell phone number.

By Tuesday, Trump had turned the voice mail on the cell phone into a “Make America Great” campaign commercial. Everyone who calls the number, thanks to Gawker’s free advertising, will hear a pro-Trump campaign spiel. Better still, the publicity this deft move created has resulted in the recorded ad receiving all kinds of free airtime on the cable networks. You can listen for yourself at 917-756-8000.

After watching the pro-Obama mainstream media coordinate to effectively put Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Mitt Romney on defense throughout almost all of their respective presidential campaigns, Republican voters understand that if we are going to beat the Clinton Machine and the media in 2016, whoever we pick as our nominee will have to know how to dodge the media’s sucker-punches and fearlessly stay on offense.

In the face of more than a month of withering scorn and hate from the media, Trump has been everywhere hitting back, taking on all comers, ducking nobody, and turning Gawker into Wile E. Coyote.

The bottom line is that Trump is displaying something sorely lacking in the current Republican field: competence when it comes to handling a hostile, left-wing media.

Competence always translates into votes. The media knows this, which is why in 2012 and 2008 they created a dynamic that said, “Obama can do no wrong, and his Republican opponent can do nothing right.”

Without breaking the back of that media strategy, Hillary Clinton will be our next president, and right now only Trump is s showing that he can break the media’s back.
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Veteran Expediter
Trump definitely is a master at this game.
Graham pounding head on desk, why didn't I think of that.

Washington (CNN)The wait is over.

Fox News said Tuesday that Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie and John Kasich will all appear on the dais Thursday for the first prime-time debate of the primary season.
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Veteran Expediter
Anybody with a brainstem knows its Hillary's turn. The repubs wont pick Trump, they will chose the weakest idiot they can find and forfeit yet another election.


Veteran Expediter
Trump might make it but I all ways thought of him as a Democrat in a lot of his thinking and doing


Veteran Expediter
Anybody with a brainstem knows its Hillary's turn. The repubs wont pick Trump, they will chose the weakest idiot they can find and forfeit yet another election.
Even the demo don't like hillary, they badly want a viable alternative. She is proving to be a horrible campaigner.


Veteran Expediter
SNL has contacted my dog's agent about playing The Donald in upcoming debate skits. Looks like I will be retiring ahead of schedule or maybe buy a huge fleet of cargo vans. Man, if Trump should win the election, I'm like super golden! Should he get elected to a second extreme, super golden.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Even the demo don't like hillary, they badly want a viable alternative. She is proving to be a horrible campaigner.
That's what I've been saying. Hillary will not be elected. The rank and file ... Everyday Dem does not like her. If the Reps nominate somebody other than a tea partier, they could win in a landslide.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Because those moderate establishment types have done so well the last couple elections.:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Right, the 'moderate republican' lost to an even more radical candidate.
The moderate Republican lost because he pretended to be something he was not...and that is a far right tea party wacko. Had he run on his merits and his merits alone, he could have won.

The next Rep candidate needs to do just that. Don't pretend you are something you are not.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Romney won the independent vote. He didn't get the full support of the conservatives. From the far right tea party wackos as you call them.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Romney won the independent vote. He didn't get the full support of the conservatives. From the far right tea party wackos as you call them.
Had he stayed the course, he could have overcome that. The cross over vote from moderate dems would have been huge. Remember the Reagan Democrats.
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Veteran Expediter
Personally I think trump will make a decent president. Its time we had someone who has earned his own money and understands how a budget works.
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