The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There is no message that won't offend someone - the trick is to offend as few as possible. which requires knowing who they are, how many they are, and how important [to election chances]. Trump's insulting Mexicans was stupid, flat out stoopid.
He was pointing out some inconvenient truths that some people would rather keep their fingers in their ears about.
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Veteran Expediter
Wonder if during the debates he's going to wear one of his Trump ties? You know, the ones he sells in stores that he makes in China.


Veteran Expediter
He'll definitely make the debates more interesting. He won't hold back. He don't know how to.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This Trump/Univision fued has been quite entertaining. IMO opinion Univision is looking real bad on this one.
Article excerpt below:
So. As a result of Univision’s decidedly unthought-thorough stab at partisan politics they received in return 1) a lawsuit for breach of contract over the cancellation of the Miss Universe Pageant; 2) a lawsuit for defamation (the poster comparing Trump to the racist killer in Charleston; 3) its executives have been booted from the Trump golf course; 4) a once convivial agreement on building a gate between neighboring properties has been ordered closed; 5) there is now a demand for the resignation of the executive who posted the defaming poster; 6) the private letter revealing anchorman Ramos to be beseeching Trump for an interview has been publicly released; and…and ;7) Trump has received a boatload of priceless publicity that appears as his numbers surge in the polls.

Well done Univision! If this is the company’s idea of humiliating a Republican presidential candidate other GOP candidates are going to demand equal, Trump-style treatment from the network.

While this particular media episode has a Hispanic flavor, in fact it is one more example of life in the liberal media bubble. One can only imagine the conversations that went on internally in Univision.

Executive One: “Hey, I’ve got an idea! Let’s cancel Trump’s pageant!”

Executive Two:” Great idea! That’ll show him!”

Executive Three: “Yeah..yeah…that’s the ticket! And I have a great idea for a poster too!”

In other words? In the world of the liberal media bubble there was no one there to say: “What? Are you crazy? These are seriously bad ideas!”

Well aside from the particulars of this series of events involving Univision and Donald Trump, this episode is one more lesson that as the 2016 election cycle proceeds, Republican presidential candidates have targets on their backs. Targets placed there by liberal activists who disguise themselves as “journalists.” Activists who are ready, willing and more than able when it comes to taking GOP candidate X and depicting him - or her - as the latest edition in the eternal liberal parade of Republicans as racists, sexists, homophobes, and haters of Everything That Is Good and Great from children to science.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's hypocrisy if he knew that he had an illegal immigrant working there.
Article excerpt:
“Mr. Trump, who is the 100 percent owner of the Old Post Office, hired one of the largest contractors in the world to act as the general contractor,” Cohen said in a telephone interview. “That company is Lend Lease. They then go out and employ subcontractors to work for them. The obligation to check all workers on site is exclusive to Lend Lease. This of course assumes that the assertion regarding the employees’ status is accurate.”


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's hypocrisy if he knew that he had an illegal immigrant working there.
Article excerpt:
“Mr. Trump, who is the 100 percent owner of the Old Post Office, hired one of the largest contractors in the world to act as the general contractor,” Cohen said in a telephone interview. “That company is Lend Lease. They then go out and employ subcontractors to work for them. The obligation to check all workers on site is exclusive to Lend Lease. This of course assumes that the assertion regarding the employees’ status is accurate.”
Had this been a Democrat, the right would have been up in arms all over the place. It's his responsibility to know.


Veteran Expediter
We're doing exactly what trump wants, we're talking about him. He's never going to be the president.
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Expert Expediter
No, technically he's not, but someone in his position should have made it clear to a contractor that uses immigrants to be sure said immigrants are legal. IMO, of course.
His only concern is lowest bid. He wouldn't care if they used child labor from Thailand.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Staff member
Retired Expediter
No, technically he's not, but someone in his position should have made it clear to a contractor that uses immigrants to be sure said immigrants are legal. IMO, of course.
The contractors, especially Lend Lease, and the subcontractors, all know the laws, from building codes to employment. To sit them down and go, "Now make sure you follow all the laws and don't break any of them," is ridiculous.

It almost as ridiculous as the Washington Post sending a reporter down there to interview 15 different workers to see if they can dig up immigration dirt on Trump, and report it even though it's not in Trump, it's on Lend Lease. Now, if Trump doesn't go down there and fire any and all illegals, he's a hypocrite, and if he does fire them, he's preventing those poor workers from making a better life for their family, which is what he would be doing it they weren't hired in the first place.

The hypocrites are the illegals who are here illegally, and they know it, and lie about being here illegally, and then get caught and say they aren't doing anything wrong, all they're doing is trying to make a better life for their family. The ends don't justify the means, sorry. Either get legal or quit lying about it.
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