The crimes the jury convicted Bannon of are misdemeanors. Hard time was never a possibility and never contemplated.2 years and $100,000 ya hard time there.
The January 6th committee is a joke....
I'd be shocked if the judge sentences Bannon to the max (2 years in jail and $100,000 fine). I'm expecting something far less, but it does appear Bannon will be sentenced to at least 30 days in jail.
Bannon plans to appeal his conviction to a higher court. That's an interesting strategy. When the higher court receives a request for an appeal in a case where the defendant presented NO DEFENSE, what do you think the higher court will do?
Bannon wined that the defenses he wanted to present in court were disallowed by the judge. That may be the basis on which the appeal is made. But if the higher court agrees with the lower court judge that those defenses were irrelevant to the case, to jail Bannon will go.
He seems ready to do so.
He said last night, "If I go to jail, so be it.” (Source)
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