If I decide to take on a second job and go out and get one, am I taking a job away from another American?![]()
Illegal Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs
Illegal aliens come to the United States to take jobs that offer them greater opportunity, and they are often welcomed by U.S. employers who are able to hire them for wages lower than they would have to pay to hire U.S. workers. This employment is illegal under a law enacted in 1986, but some...www.fairus.org
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If I hire someone who already has a job and will now work two jobs, would you have me instead wait to hire someone who has no job and seeks one?
If I place an ad for a janitor, and one applicant asks for $13, one for $12, and one for $10 an hour, and all are up to the task, which one would you have me hire and why?
On a construction site, a bulldozer can move more dirt more quickly than 100 men with shovels. Would you ban bulldozers so 100 Americans can find work shoveling dirt? Would you ban shovels so 10,000 Americans can find work moving dirt with spoons?
Self-driving vehicles exist now and are getting better. Taxi drivers are likely to be replaced by robots in the near future. Would you ban this technology so taxi drivers (and later, truck drivers) can keep their jobs?
Drones are in use now delivering packages to homes. Would you ban drones so UPS drivers can keep their jobs?
ATM machines have replaced thousands if not millions of bank tellers and ticket sellers. Would you ban those so tellers and ticket sellers can have their jobs back?
Skilled humans like welders have been replaced on many assembly lines. Would you roll back the clock and increase car prices so these welders can have their old jobs back? What about buggy whip factories. Should they be rebuilt so buggy whip jobs can be re-created for American workers?
Online coaches can now have people point their phones to themselves as they lift weights. The coaches then charge money to coach the people on their technique and training plan. We provide the same coaching live in our gym. Should I go to the government and lobby for a law that bans online coaching because local coaching is better for the local economy?
Mirrors on people's walls can now monitor people exercising at home and provide coaching tips. Should there be a law opposing those because no one can care about a person better than a machine, and, by golly, this is America and Americans deserve to be cared about?
A couple generations ago, only a small percentage of women had jobs outside the home. Now many do. Did those women take jobs away from men, and if so, should they go back to the kitchen so men can have their jobs back?
In 1870, 81% of jobs required doing work with your hands. Today, 21% of jobs require manual labor. As devices for doing work, brains have replaced hands to a large extent.
The labor market is not a single entity with one moving part. The number of jobs and the nature of work is not constant.
I am sometimes frustrated by statements like those you make about keeping jobs or taking jobs. I guess if you see a job as something you are entitled to have and will never change, and you never have to change to keep your job, a case can be made that a job may be unfairly taken from you.
After all, it is your right to have that good-paying job with benefits for life without regard for how much your labor is actually worth in the marketplace, and without regard for the actual value you create for your employer and employer's customers, right?
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