The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
What is the context? Who or what is the judge's statement about?

The context is a case in the Southern District of New York which was disposed of around September - November 2020.

The case involved a Defendant who was convicted at trial by a jury.

The Judge ultimately vacated the conviction due to prosecutorial misconduct, granted the Defendant's request for a new trial, and dismissed the original indictment ... with prejudice.

Not entirely sure, but I think after that SDNY declined to retry the case (probably a smart move)

One of the Assistant US Attorneys that prosecuted that case was Andrew J. DeFilippis.

Durham apparently liked that action so much that he tapped DeFilippis to be part of his team and he's now Assistant Special Counsel DeFilippis.

He's one of two prosecutors who are now prosecuting the Sussmann case for Durham. (The other is Michael T. Keilty)

District Court urges the DOJ to investigate misconduct by SDNY prosecutors
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Veteran Expediter
It's the difference between someone who actually does her homework ... and extreme partisans who are so desperate for a political "win" (and to "OWN THE LIBS !!!) that they're willing to seize onto anything without bothering to see if it checks out:

We see that here on a fairly regular basis as well.

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Veteran Expediter
Then explain to me why joe Biden is president......


Because after the one-termer's complete crap show of a Presidency, people realized that they had had enough - and decided to elect someone who wasn't vulnerable to the sort of amoral greed that Orange Man exhibited.

Glad I could help you understand it.

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Retired Expediter
A noteworthy development came from the House Oversight Committee (different from the 1/6 Select Committee) this evening. This is the second clearly identifiable impact of the Mazars declaration that Trump's financial statements of the last 10 years are unreliable. It's two early to know if the General Services Administration will act on the committee's request, but clearly, the Mazars declaration prompted the committee chair to make it.

The first identifiable impact of the Mazars declaration was its being part of the judge's reasoning in ordering Trump to fully comply with the NY AG's subpoena.

Watch for more fallout from the Mazars declaration. One interesting comment I saw on Twitter was that no bank want's to be the first to call in a Trump loan, but all will race to be the second after the first one moves. The GSA is not a bank, but if it acts as the Oversight Committee is suggesting, the banks will instantly take notice and may then be inclined to act themselves, as they come to believe the feeding frenzy has begun.

If the banks start to so act, that does not mean Trump will be financially destroyed. But it could very well mean he will be forced to become indebted to people whose business ethics, opportunism, and lack of empathy mirror his own.

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Veteran Expediter
Thank you for the info. I now understand the point you sought to make.

Here's the judge's full opinion - it's 42 pages (including attachments) - so it's a bit of a read:

There's another opinion after that one (same case) - just breezed through it.

Judge basically let them off with a slap on the wrist - she should have severely sanctioned the prosecutors individually IMO.

But she did urge DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility to conduct a full investigation.

Here's the link to that later one:

Don't know if there any others.


Veteran Expediter
Durham is The.LSL’s .Worst.Nightmare.

Why ... because they'll be faced with the horrid prospect of having to do 24-hour stand-up comedic mockery ?


(BTW - sounds like Lee is pizzed about being consigned to 4th rate OAN)


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Keeping Trump Busy:

I'm actually starting to feel sorry for the guy. Every time he turns around, he gets hit with another adverse action. His Mar-a-Largo parties and rallies continue to make him smile, but the rest of it can't be much fun. 19 legal actions naming Trump, not counting additional investigations now underway. He's going to have to run for president. The only way out of the big mess he got himself in is to regain the power to delay legal actions and/or pardon his way out. Otherwise the walls will continue to close in as these investigations and cases proceed.


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