The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
I didn't put any words in his mouth: Orange Man said what he said.

It was quoted accurately.

Thanks - I appreciate the compliment.

You say he used coded works to you really do act like adam schiff.....the same guy that got caught altering mark meadows phone text messages between other people to make it look like trump was up to something.....the only reason he got caught was mark meadows released the real phone records.


Veteran Expediter
You say he used coded works to incite.....

So what ?

It's an accurate characterization IMO.

lol you really do act like adam schiff.....the same guy that got caught altering mark meadows phone text messages between other people to make it look like trump was up to something.....the only reason he got caught was mark meadows released the real phone records.

Exactly what words of Trump do you think I altered ?

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
More details coming out on further illegal coup plotting:
It's like a dam is bursting. The first bit of water that makes it through makes it easier for more to come. That greater volume makes it easier for still more to come. And so it goes until all hope is lost and the dam utterly fails.

First a few witnesses, then hundreds. First few documents, then many when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Trump has no executive privilege to use to slow the inquiries. First an initial investigation in GA, then a grand jury. First a select committee opposed by Republicans, then a select committee that is unearthing troves of info Trump sought to supress and is now moving with increasing momentum.

No longer president and losing again and again in court, and watching witness after witness cooperate with investigators instead of falling on their sword for Trump, Donald Trump now finds himself frozen on the tracks, powerless to slow or stop the approaching accountability train.
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Veteran Expediter
It's like a dam is bursting. The first bit of water that makes it through makes it easier for more to come. That greater volume makes it easier for more to come.

First a few witnesses. Then hundreds. First few documents, then many when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Trump has no executive privilige to use to slow the inquiries. First an initial investigation in GA, now a grand jury. First a select committee opposed by Republicans. Now a select committee that is unearthing crucial info and proceeding with increasing momentum.

No longer president and losing again and again in court, and watching witness after witness cooperate with investigators instead of obstruct for Trump, Mr. Trump now stands powerless to slow or stop the momentum.

Yes - and now the National Archives has formally noticed Trump that they will be releasing more records in 30 days, related to VP Pence I believe, unless a court acts to prohibit it.

The notice mentioned that what was being released involved someone who was represented by DOJ in a lawsuit ... so it may well relate to Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, and his failed lawsuit trying to force Pence to reveal how he was going to act on Jan 6th.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Same way that you do:

Their partisan affiliation and the outcome or result.


The Commonwealth Court ruling ?
Oh, so the party affiliation does matter. I’ve heard from some that judges are of the highest professionalism, integrity, and only take a sober view when examining the law.


Veteran Expediter
I didn't......

Ahhh ... so you don't think I altered Trump's words then.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Now: what words exactly did I "put in his mouth" ?


you said coded words which is borderline mind reading.....

Discerning someone's motivation and intent when they are speaking, either orally or verbally, isn't really any great feat.

One does have to be somewhere north of brain dead or comatose however.


tinfoil hat.....

Something from personal experience you are an expert on ?


you know like Adam schiff.

I'd say Adam Schiff is just about as far from "tinfoil" hat as one can get.

Other folks, not so much.

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Veteran Expediter
Oh, so the party affiliation does matter.

That probably depends on the individual.

But more accurately, I'd say that personal ideology matters a whole lot more than mere party affiliation.

Sometimes that's tied closely to party affiliation, other times not so much.

I’ve heard from some that judges are of the highest professionalism, integrity, and only take a sober view when examining the law.

I'm sure that's true for many.


Veteran Expediter
So your not bothered that a Democrat (Adam Schiff) on the January 6th commission altered evidence provided by mark meadows....
You say trump used coded words to incite people....prove it.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Discerning someone's motivation and intent when they are speaking, either orally or verbally, isn't really any great feat.

One does have to be somewhere north of brain dead or comatose however.
Discerning someone's motivation and intent may not be a great feat, but it does require skill and applied effort.

Every day people join our gym saying they are doing so because they want to lose weight. On the surface, their intent is to lose weight. But our staff is trained to learn the all-important "why?" Why do you want to lose weight? You've been overweight for years. You were overweight last month. Why now? What changed? Why are you motivated to join the gym now when you were not before?

For some, it's fear. Their doctor gave them a diagnosis that makes weight loss literally a matter of life or death. For some, its vanity. They have a wedding coming up in which photos will be taken that will be on family walls for generations. They want to look good. I could go on, but suffice it to say there are dozens of reasons people want to lose weight, and each person's motivation and intent depends on the person.

In the context of Trump world, motivation and intent are becoming very important because motivation and intent are legal concepts that determine what charges prosecutors will lay.

The fake electors who are speaking out all talk about their intent. In general, they are saying they did not intend to subvert the constitution. They did not intend to help overthrow the government by submitting forged documents. They say their intent was more innocent. They merely intended to help protect Trump's options in the court challenges then underway or expected.

How do prosecutors, judges and juries discern the true intent of the fake electors? They'll do it by gathering a lot of information, examining the actions actually taken, and listening carefully to all involved.

Regarding Trump himself, his motivation and intent is becoming increasingly easy to discern if not outright obvious; as in as obvious as the bright sun in a clear-blue sky.

Trump wanted (still wants) to overturn the 2020 election results and thereby keep the presidency. The intent is made clear by the facts now being unearthed by multiple investigating entities. Arguments (all failed) made in court, baseless claims maid in public, looking to involve at least three agencies (DOJ, the military, Homeland Security to seize voting machines, intense pressure on the vice president to not follow the constitution, inciting an insurrection, and more; all point to Trump's attempt to retain power when that power was not his to retain.

Trump, the fake electors, and other Trump operatives can plead innocent intent all they want. It will not be enough to avoid investigations, have their true intent discerned by others, see charges filed against them, and (I believe) be convicted of their crimes.
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Veteran Expediter
My point was that rlent was saying that trump used coded words in his speech on jan 6th to incite a you realize how that sounds right.....
I still want to know WHO planted the bombs near the Capitol building and why more security was not called in by the people in charge.
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Veteran Expediter
So your not bothered that a Democrat (Adam Schiff) on the January 6th commission altered evidence provided by mark meadows....

Now you surely know that isn't true ... the Committee has admitted that it was a Committee staffer who prepared the inaccurate document Schiff used. Committee members, being busy officials, often rely on staffers to prepare materials for them to use in hearings and the like.

You say trump used coded words to incite people....

That's correct - I did.

But I'm far from the only person that has made that (accurate) observation.

prove it.

Since it is my opinion, I really don't need to.

OTOH, if the matter eventually comes as part of some judicial or congressional proceeding, it will be up to those making the claim to do so.


Veteran Expediter
My point was that rlent was saying that trump used coded words in his speech on jan 6th to incite a you realize how that sounds right.....

Mmmm ... yeah, I do:

It sounds accurate.


I still want to know WHO planted the bombs near the Capitol building

Yes indeed ... particularly give that VP Harris was at the DNC HQ that day.

That makes it look like a potential assassination attempt.

and why more security was not called in by the people in charge.

Some of the people in charge attempted to call in more security ... officials that Trump had placed in key positions were delaying and obstructing it.
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