The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah pretty much. California has always had wildfires as well as earthquakes. So blaming that on why people are leaving is absolutely hilarious. Californias issues with homelessness and drug addicts has to do with Democrat policies which have led to very high cost of living, high taxes, less jobs, high crime and encouragement of drug usage.

Illegals enter this country to exploit it... Plain and simple. I've always found it interesting why I is an American citizen have to follow federal laws but foreigners do not. Illegal immigration is absolutely the responsibility of Democrats.

I have to say that it's very entertaining watching you try to sprinkle sugar on that crap and call it candy.
Im not trying to sprinkle sugar on crap and call it candy as you say, im trying to show you that there are other points of view.

Absolutely they are here to exploit it, they cant find a job that pays enough where they come from, so they come here and get exploited by employers here ( and its still more than what they make where they come from). What im saying is that if we dont cure the problem at the source, its never going to stop.

The high cost of living in California is tied directly into the laws of supply and demand, the foundation of capitalism, that is more a republican issue than a democrat issue, cause democrats all all socialists and communists remember???


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The fires in California could have been mitigated if the dept of forest management had allowed the rangers to clean up fallen trees and debris and create fire breaks. The electric company was not to blame for the fires it was lack of ground management.
I dont blame the electric company either, they cant control the weather, lack of rain and lightening is the main cause of the fires (or gender reveal parties gone wrong). Maintaining high voltage lines running through the forest is not an easy thing.

Climate change sucks but this is going to get worse. not better.
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Veteran Expediter
Oh right climate change lol
They sent scientists to the northern ice cap and got stuck when the water froze around the ship they was on....they have been recording the weather for the last 150 years and it has cycles.
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Rookie Expediter
We spent a hell of a lot more bailing out the big banks when the housing bubble burst, just to make sure rich people could afford thei

Im not trying to sprinkle sugar on crap and call it candy as you say, im trying to show you that there are other points of view.

Absolutely they are here to exploit it, they cant find a job that pays enough where they come from, so they come here and get exploited by employers here ( and its still more than what they make where they come from). What im saying is that if we dont cure the problem at the source, its never going to stop.

The high cost of living in California is tied directly into the laws of supply and demand, the foundation of capitalism, that is more a republican issue than a democrat issue, cause democrats all all socialists and communists remember???
Well you're absolutely entitled to have a different point of view but it doesn't change the fact of what things are.

The way we stop illegals from coming into this country is to not give them housing food clothing medical Care etc on the taxpayers dime. Instead use that money to put them on planes or buses to take them back to where they came from. The only reason they continue to scream into this country is they know they're going to get all this stuff and all they have to do is claim asylum (which over 90% of them who do get denied in order to return home but stay in this country anyway)

You can't stop this issue by throwing more money to foreign governments because we already send foreign governments quite a bit. Foreign aid is an all-time high. You can't just take a problem and throw money at it.... And expect it to get better.

Lol no.... It has nothing to do with capitalism or supply and demand. It has to do with Democrat policies that have been enacted that makes it so expensive to live in that state. Whenever you force high taxes on companies, whenever you force companies to pay more than the employees are worth, you're going to get increased prices for goods and services. That's one reason why you have difficulty finding a garbage hole for less than $1,000 a month. Businesses that own apartment buildings or rental houses pass increased expenses as well as taxes on to the renter. It's really basic economics. Which in turn makes it to where people can't afford to live in that state so they either leave it or become homeless.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Democrat policies have never been good for the people and it seems like whenever those policies continue to fail... Their solution is to indoors and introduce even more policies.

Sort of the same concept they used with gun control. Their solution to gun violence is to enact even more gun control because all the gun control that's already been enacted is supposedly insufficient. Whenever it's clear that gun control isn't the answer stop bad things from happening.


Rookie Expediter
I dont blame the electric company either, they cant control the weather, lack of rain and lightening is the main cause of the fires (or gender reveal parties gone wrong). Maintaining high voltage lines running through the forest is not an easy thing.

Climate change sucks but this is going to get worse. not better.
Ah but we can blame Democrat policies that have made forestry control highly regulated and almost impossible.

The world has been dealing with climate changing for thousands of years. To blame that on the people leaving a certain state, instead of the agendas and policies that have been enacted by democrats is absolutely laughable. Go find someone who moved from California to Texas or California to Florida why they made the move. I guarantee climate change is going to be last on their list.. if it's even on there at all.


Rookie Expediter
Oh right climate change lol
They sent scientists to the northern ice cap and got stuck when the water froze around the ship they was on....they have been recording the weather for the last 150 years and it has cycles.
It's crazy that data from 100 and some odd years, gives also not information about climate change for thousands of years to say that humans have a significant impact on climate change.

I say if you want to start with carbon emissions then all of these politicians and celebrities that are always touting this need to give up their private planes and other air travel. As well as any motorized vehicle they own. Heck, that should go for anyone touting climate change.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The high cost of living in California is tied directly into the laws of supply and demand, the foundation of capitalism, that is more a republican issue than a democrat issue, cause democrats all all socialists and communists remember???
The sarcasm rings more true than you might think. Supply and demand is the base for it, especially in housing, but there are a lot of factors involved. Supply and demand isn't partisan, it's affects everybody from the staunchest capitalist to the most ardent communist.

Proposition 13 in 1978 was a ballot initiative voted into law overwhelmingly by liberal democrats. While intended to protect California homeowners from unmanageable property tax bills, it has produced a host of unintended consequences. It severely caps the revenue that cities and counties can take from residential property taxes. The incentive is, cities make far more money on big box stores and shopping centers and hotels than they can on multi-dwelling apartment buildings. The result is the supply of new housing is a third of what is needed.

Then there's the cornucopia of laws and regulations that make it crazy expensive and time consuming to build new housing. The environmental impact study takes 2 years on average. There are multiple layers of city government regulations that have to be gone through. There are "growth limit" laws that limit how much growth a community will allow. And then there's the many avenues of "not in my backyard" where locals fear new housing projects will change the character of their neighborhoods, increase traffic and hurt their property values. City council people aren't going to go against their constituents on that.

Prop 13 and all the regulations and obstacles, that's not Republicans, and it all has a direct impact on supply and demand.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Fining employers is fine but that isn't nearly enough. Illegals need to be prohibited from any public assistance and any public facilities and amenities. No education, no housing, no healthcare, nothing. That has to combine with making it intolerable for employers to employ them. That includes our democrat and RINO elected officials and their illegal employees of course.


Veteran Expediter
Tyson chicken comes to mind when a few years ago they got raided by immigration officers in Davenport, Iowa and found over 400 illegals using social security numbers from real Americans....a whistleblower called it in and the HR department was also arrested. But cheap laborers is all they care about.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Tyson chicken comes to mind when a few years ago they got raided by immigration officers in Davenport, Iowa and found over 400 illegals using social security numbers from real Americans....a whistleblower called it in and the HR department was also arrested. But cheap laborers is all they care about.
And that was just small potatoes for cheap labor. Imagine what people will do when the stakes are much higher and it's even easier to get away with, like, say, a presidential election.
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Veteran Expediter
And that was just small potatoes for cheap labor. Imagine what people will do when the stakes are much higher and it's even easier to get away with, like, say, a presidential election.
Like Nevada where all you need is proof that you have lived instate for 30 days to vote.....


Veteran Expediter
The fires in California could have been mitigated if the dept of forest management had allowed the rangers to clean up fallen trees and debris and create fire breaks.

No, not correct - not even close.

First off, there is no "dept of forest management" ...


Secondly, federally-owned land in California comprises 47.70 percent of California's total land, 47,797,533 acres out of 100,206,720 total acres - much of it forested or otherwise "wild".

That's a huge amount of land, the management of which, has very little to do with California State government.

Federal land policy in California

Now ... guess who is responsible for that federal land ?


The electric company was not to blame for the fires it was lack of ground management.

So you're going with "they should have raked the forest floors" ... like Orange Man suggested ?

Of course.

How did I not see that coming ?


Fact of the matter is, PGE has been incompetent for many, many years (to the point of being criminally negligent in some cases)

Otherwise, we'd probably never know who Erin Brockovich is:

Hinkley groundwater contamination

Thank God for Cal EPA (and Cal Fire)
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No, not correct - not even close.

First off, there is no "dept of forest management" ...


Secondly, federally-owned land in California comprises 47.70 percent of California's total land, 47,797,533 acres out of 100,206,720 total acres - much of it forested or otherwise "wild".

That's a huge amount of land, the management of which, has very little to do with California State government.

Federal land policy in California

Now ... guess who is responsible for that federal land ?


So you're going with "they should have raked the forest floors" ... like Orange Man suggested ?

Of course.

How did I not see that coming ?


Fact of the matter is, PGE has been incompetent for many, many years (to the point of being criminally negligent in some cases)

Otherwise, we'd probably never know who Erin Brockovich is:

Hinkley groundwater contamination

Thank God for Cal EPA.
This is what happens when people watch places other than their own backyard.
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Rookie Expediter
This is what happens when people watch places other than their own backyard.
Lol oh's not going to fly in Michigan. You realize Democrats are the red-headed stepchildren in this state right now? Especially after tyrant Whitmire just got off of murder charges.....

Democrats have left a huge horrible taste in the throats of many Michigan citizens. There's literally nothing you can say that will gain support for Democrats in the state right now. Of course outside of the mindless drones that vote for them just because they're not intelligent enough to be able to make decisions on their own.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Lol oh's not going to fly in Michigan. You realize Democrats are the red-headed stepchildren in this state right now? Especially after tyrant Whitmire just got off of murder charges.....

Democrats have left a huge horrible taste in the throats of many Michigan citizens. There's literally nothing you can say that will gain support for Democrats in the state right now. Of course outside of the mindless drones that vote for them just because they're not intelligent enough to be able to make decisions on their own.
Perhaps, perhaps not. The one thing that all will agree on is protecting the Great Lakes. Even lakes in that state down south.

My point is, certain posters need to clean up the messes in their own backyards before criticizing other states.
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Rookie Expediter
Perhaps, perhaps not. The one thing that all will agree on is protecting the Great Lakes. Even lakes in that state down south.
Spare me. Has someone who grew up in Michigan I can tell you that Democrats only care about the Great lakes whenever they find some narrative they can push for political reasons.

No different than the war on line five. Democrats pretend it's about protecting the Great lakes.. but instead we know it's about them going after a corporation they haven't been able to take down.

Especially whenever the alternatives of line five is truck and rail which increase the danger of a spill as well as increase the costs of What flows through those lines that supplies citizens in the up.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Spare me. Has someone who grew up in Michigan I can tell you that Democrats only care about the Great lakes whenever they find some narrative they can push for political reasons.

No different than the war on line five. Democrats pretend it's about protecting the Great lakes.. but instead we know it's about them going after a corporation they haven't been able to take down.

Especially whenever the alternatives of line five is truck and rail which increase the danger of a spill as well as increase the costs of What flows through those lines that supplies citizens in the up.
Why does everything have to have a partisan spin?
Can't something be for the good of the state? Guess not with the current group of haters on the Rabid Right.

Former Gov. Rick Snider (R) negotiated an agreement with Endbridge to build a tunnel. Endbridge broke the deal. Apparently the Repubs running Michigan (yes, Repubs... they control the legislature) dont care.
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Veteran Expediter
Who runs Ohio? Oh yeah, Republicans.....
Funny thing is the algae starts over in the eastern part of the lake and moves west....see I do follow the reports of this algae because I like to swim at maumee bay park.....and guess who runs the state east of ohio.....Democrats
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