The Trump Card...


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I drove down to beautiful Jacksonville, FL overnight. I listened to Fox (And Fox Headlines) and CNN, and POTUS and a little NPR. After the 5AM hour I started listening to Fox News and CNN to get the latest. Fox News was pretty calm and collected, surprisingly sticking to the facts of what we know and what we want to find out. Then I turned over to CNN and Chris Cuomo is crapping his pants and losing his mind. He was very hostile to Rep. Chris Collins because he wasn't also losing his mind and crapping his pants. Congressman - "The past is the past, it's time to move forward" which gave Cuomo an aneurysm.

But the best one was when Cuomo went batcrap crazy going on and on about how Sally Yates, the Attorney General, "The Attorney General that Trump fired because she tried to do her job!" informed the White House and Trump's security staff last month (before inauguration) that Flynn might be open to blackmail from the Russians, so "TRUMP KNEW ABOUT IT FOR A MONTH! And Pence went on TV and lied about Flynn not discussing the sanctions!!!! We want ANSWERS! We want the TRUTH!!!"

Then someone (Dana Bash, I think) pointed out that Sally Yates informed the White House and Trump's staff 3 days after Pence was on TV.

Cuomo was all like, "Well that's some good information. That's something we should know!"

Yes, moron, it's something that every competent journalist already knew.

Cuomo, if you remember, is the one who told all his viewers that it is illegal for the public to read the Hillary Clinton and Podesta leaked emails from Wikileaks, but that it's legal for CNN to read them. He's also the one that said calling journalists "fake news" is the same thing as calling a black person the N-word. Had to walk that one back. <snort>

And he's the same one that as a moderator for several presidential CNN Town Halls engaged in a complete and systematic religious test for all of the candidates. Aaaannnndddd, he flatly stated that "hate speech" is not protected by the First Amendment. (it is).
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Retired Expediter

Find someone that looks at you the way Ivanka Trump looks at Justin Trudeau.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Who even knew who Trump was until WWE and tha famous match he had with Vince .... WWE launched The Donald's TV career ... Linda was the beneficiary of the payback!

So true, but I still wish trump would have lost, and got his head shaved.

But when it comes to the small business administration appointment, I think Linda was a great pick.

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Veteran Expediter
Who even knew who Trump was until WWE and tha famous match he had with Vince .... WWE launched The Donald's TV career ... Linda was the beneficiary of the payback!

So true, but I still wish trump would have lost, and got his head shaved.
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I missed the whole Trump on WWE thing. Been catching up on it. Pretty entertaining



OVM Project Manager
Interesting statistic 5008000 immigrants to the US. Only 1176000 to Canada..Germany 1250000...turkey 2million... Russia 1118000 and Australia 1023000! Why should the US take so many? Bill in congress now to hold it down to half a million a year for legal immigrants and I hope it passes!
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Worn Out Manager

Veteran Expediter
US Air Force
Are these Breitbart figures. I just googled And you figures are way overstated

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