The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Here is something for you. Trump and Pence turn the Economy around and bring the Business back to the United States. How many Demogogs here and Republicgogs will then say there are sorry on here and were wrong.
Probably none of you. But that's ok Just remember something Trumps and Pence seem to be pressing forward He got slapped as OBAMA is still President. For Answering the Helm so to speak. So he went silent for the most part. Once that is done Trump will press forward.

On another note take a look at all the carriers that are Import why isn't there no talk. About that. Question all Carriers are in Import and Beloved Obama is Raising Cain with Russia .

If I was mad at the US right now U Know what Id do Target every one of them and Destroy them. Not hard just remember something people cant turn those on like you can the Gas Turbine ships Normandy Tyco Class Cruiser and the DDG like the Arlie Burks. To busy worry about Trump and Pence on not knowing what to do.

I cant for the life of it, Believe: we since Pearl Harbor we lost all them battle ships all in port and if it hadn't been for our Carriers would have got waxed. Who ever The head of Joint Chiefs and the Head of the Navy right now has got their head up you know where.... Then again Rank has its privileges. You say Obama so great big mistake on his part or did he start bad mouthing Russia because of that Reason. 15 carriers import People. Really Stupid!!
The man should know better. I believe that OBAMA wants to start a War or is he that Stupid.

Oh yes this is about trump you really think DT that stupid he do that.
No he wouldn't. MAD DOG Would Then Slap him in the face and say that's a attention Getter for being Stupid.

Some one needs to do that to Obama.

Choking yet I should say chew your food more before you try swallowing.
Garbage is taken out
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Veteran Expediter
Just getting caught up
Trump is going to be the next comander and chief of the USA
He doesn't need the money
No matter what he does someone is not going to like it just like everyone before him
Most of his cabinet don't need more money
They all could go anywhere they want to and could spend up what they have unless they made some real bad investments
Which would be highly doubtful
For the last 28 years we have watched this country go slowly go down hill a few ups
Somebody usta be able to work thier way through college
All I'm saying is give them a chance to screw up or maybe put this country back on the right track
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Retired Expediter
Well Trump needs all the pieces of his plan to come together to make his grand plan work.., I just can't see that happening... maybe 30 trillion in debt in first 4 yrs ...


Veteran Expediter
Well Trump needs all the pieces of his plan to come together to make his grand plan work.., I just can't see that happening... maybe 30 trillion in debt in first 4 yrs ...
Maybe not
If he can stop the loss of jobs and make more jobs
Of course that would be a big maybe
Face it slick willy left bush bad bush left oboma bad and it looks like oboma is leaving Trump it bad


Retired Expediter
If you look at the numbers Obama is leaving Trump in pretty good shape... except for the debt... auto industry is humming along. Real estate is up.. construction is up... unemployment no matter what numbers one uses is comes down to how one twists those numbers to make the point
Obamacare is the thing that tainted the pool really bad...


Veteran Expediter
But isn't the number of jobs down
I've gotten to the point in life I've just about stopped looking at those stats
If someone comes off unemployment because time ran out or is working a job that is paying way less they count them as employed
Auto industry? How many times have they been on the brink of bankruptcy that's Gm
What's he doing with Russia
Bottom line if Hillary wasn't doing anything underhanded it wouldn't have been a big deal
And weren't we also hacking into Russian email to that's a cia thing


Retired Expediter
But isn't the number of jobs down
I've gotten to the point in life I've just about stopped looking at those stats
If someone comes off unemployment because time ran out or is working a job that is paying way less they count them as employed
Auto industry? How many times have they been on the brink of bankruptcy that's Gm
What's he doing with Russia
Bottom line if Hillary wasn't doing anything underhanded it wouldn't have been a big deal
And weren't we also hacking into Russian email to that's a cia thing
All you have to do is drive around the country and see for yourself... companies expanding creating jobs housing construction all around, the auto plants we go to almost at 100%.. never mind numbers just use common sense and your eyes wide open...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
All you have to do is drive around the country and see for yourself... companies expanding creating jobs housing construction all around, the auto plants we go to almost at 100%.. never mind numbers just use common sense and your eyes wide open...

Yep full blast ahead, all the corporate egos have their foot to the floor on the accelerator until it gets to the point where they have to slam on the brakes because they produced way more cars than they could sell. And the housing market building houses that nobody will be able to afford.

And the executives have nothing to lose, they make their money either way, they can lay enough people off to make sure they still get theirs.

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Retired Expediter
All you have to do is drive around the country and see for yourself... companies expanding creating jobs housing construction all around, the auto plants we go to almost at 100%.. never mind numbers just use common sense and your eyes wide open...

Yep full blast ahead, all the corporate egos have their foot to the floor on the accelerator until it gets to the point where they have to slam on the brakes because they produced way more cars than they could sell. And the housing market building houses that nobody will be able to afford.

And the executives have nothing to lose, they make their money either way, they can lay enough people off to make sure they still get theirs.

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That's the way it's always been and Trump can't change capitalism it's the way we are built...
The strong prosper and the meek serve...


Veteran Expediter
In certain areas yes it is moving up
I even had a good last quarter
But I also go into outher areas and they are begging for work
I've noticed more people living in thier cars and working like back in the 80s
I just spent Christmas break in Destin FL lots of building down there but the people working down there are driving up wards 60 miles one way to work


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That's the way it's always been and Trump can't change capitalism it's the way we are built...
The strong prosper and the meek serve...

I know but it would be nice if we didn't have to deal with the constant ups and downs of the economy.

But then again, it's like smith said, can't accept a perfect world, we thrive on misery....

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
All you have to do is drive around the country and see for yourself... companies expanding creating jobs housing construction all around, the auto plants we go to almost at 100%.. never mind numbers just use common sense and your eyes wide open...

Yep full blast ahead, all the corporate egos have their foot to the floor on the accelerator until it gets to the point where they have to slam on the brakes because they produced way more cars than they could sell. And the housing market building houses that nobody will be able to afford.

And the executives have nothing to lose, they make their money either way, they can lay enough people off to make sure they still get theirs.

Sent from my iPhone using EO Forums
That's the way it's always been and Trump can't change capitalism it's the way we are built...
The strong prosper and the meek serve...
This is interesting.....

Trump appears with mobster-affiliated felon at New Year's bash


Retired Expediter
That's the way it's always been and Trump can't change capitalism it's the way we are built...
The strong prosper and the meek serve...

I know but it would be nice if we didn't have to deal with the constant ups and downs of the economy.

But then again, it's like smith said, can't accept a perfect world, we thrive on misery....

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Smith is more realistic..maybe he should have run for President! ;)


Veteran Expediter
All you have to do is drive around the country and see for yourself... companies expanding creating jobs housing construction all around, the auto plants we go to almost at 100%.. never mind numbers just use common sense and your eyes wide open...

Maybe I can see what you see, when I find my glasses :rolleyes:

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Retired Expediter
there are none so blind as those who will not see....

Ps. 82:5. Nay, it is the corrupt bias of the will that bribes and besots the understanding: none so blind as those that will not see. The character of this people is the true character of all people by nature, till the grace of God has wrought a change.
Their understandings were darkened and unapt to admit the rays of the divine light: They are a foolish people and without understanding;


Retired Expediter

exerpt:...Ford officials said that the revised plans were tied to market conditions that have depressed small-car sales, and that they did not consult with the incoming Trump administration before making the decision.
Less then 15% of sales come from Mexico...

Hey I am still pro Trump...just not joining the Hannity bandwagon....In Trumps master plan where he is going to come up with the money to hire almost 100,000 more armed civil servants over 8 yrs?
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Veteran Expediter
Ford has been all over the place as to why they chose to do this. Different crowd different answer.


Retired Expediter
Ford has been all over the place as to why they chose to do this. Different crowd different answer.
IMO as they said in that press conference as well...trying to appease the President elect and show support for his tax cutting and well as the GM Union head of Lordstown said yesterday....The Cruze Hatchback is not selling so well the numbers do not support a full 3rd shift even if they bring back that I believe it might be a little of both worlds...
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