The Trump Card...


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Retired Expediter
I can't say I'm surprised ... particularly given the (purported) death threats supposedly leveled against her.

Think those can't be real ?
Oh, I think they can be real. I also think the death threats against Ms Jane Doe are exactly as real and valid as the charges made in her three lawsuits that changed with each filing. o_O


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Great, trump says he will undo everything obama did on Cuba. I was looking forward to when I could take a ferry there and drive the old dynasty down the streets of Havana.....

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Veteran Expediter
The Dem wagon heads to Michigan. Hillary and Obama coming to town on Monday as panic sets in. With polls now within the margin of error, Michigan no longer a given, just ask Sanders

Side note, non-stop anti Trump adds running. It's like a telethon lol.

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Expert Expediter

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah, the ads are pretty heavy here in Michigan. Trump is criticized for possibly going to Minnesota to campaign,(wasting time and resources) but Hillary is still trying to lockup a traditionally blue state in Michigan.


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Retired Expediter
Trump is going to campaign in...MINNESOTA.
I get a little giggle whenever the "news" people compare the election map to Romney or McCain, like any of that matters, like Trump, and this election, is even remotely similar to previous elections. "Well, If you look at the Obama Map..." Puleeze. I'm predicting that 4 or 5 traditional states will just flip colors. 2 or 3 Democratic states will flip to Republican, and 2 or 3 Republican states will flip to Democrat. Comparing the Obama Map to this election has exactly the same validity as comparing the 1960 Kennedy Map to this election.


Incidentally, the 270ToWin interactive map is fun to play with.


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Retired Expediter
This is Reed Sorenson's No. 55 Toyota that will race in the Texas Motor Speedway's AAA 500 race on Sunday. A couple of sponsors wanted to do it, so what the heck. The sponsors want to remain anonymous.


It's worth noting that Reed Sorenson qualified 38th out of 40 for the race, and he hasn't led a lap all season. Soooo, no matter what happens, if he wins, if he loses, crashes and burns, whatever, there will be jokes to be made.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Michigan is always a competitive state.

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I disagree. Michigan hasn't voted for a Republican presidential candidate in nearly 30 years. At least in the past two elections that I recall, the republican nominee didn't campaign much here and pulled ads rather early in the campaign season. I reckon it was due to poll results that showed a lack of support.


Veteran Expediter
Anybody wanna lay odds that sometime shortly after this coming Tuesday there will be an investigation launched by DOJ's Office of the Inspector General into probable Hatch Act violations in the NYC FBI office ?


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Retired Expediter
Anybody wanna lay odds that sometime shortly after this coming Tuesday there will be an investigation launched by DOJ's Office of the Inspector General into probable Hatch Act violations in the NYC FBI office ?

Not if it involves real money that I'd have to pay out. But if we're dealing with home plastic poker chips, I'd give odds of 100-to-1 against. (And on the DOJ OIG doing the actual investigating, the odds are somewhere way north of a googleplex-to-1 against, unless there's some kind of related criminal charges involved beyond the Hatch Act.) The Hatch Act isn't about results, it's about intent. The Act restricts the ability of most federal employees to engage in political campaign activities, especially while on the job, or to otherwise "use [their] official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election."

Harry Reid's assertion that Comey violated the Hatch Act is just retarded, and despite being an angry, senile old man, I think he knows it. Comey earlier testified that the Clinton email server investigation was completed, and when asked if any new evidence of any significance surfaced would he look at it and reopen the investigation, he said yes, and that he'd let Congress know if that happened. It happened, and he let Congress know. He didn't inform Congress that, contrary to his previous testimony, the investigation is suddenly no longer complete, for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the results of an election, despite the fact that the election may very well be affected by it. He let Congress know because he said he would let them know if his earlier testimony regarding the status of the investigation had changed.

The NYC FBI office is leaking like a sieve, but there's no evidence (other than partisan accusations, if you want to call that evidence) that they are leaking information for the explicit intent of interfering with the election results. There's more evidence that they are leaking information because they feel they have a prosecutable case, or at least enough of a case to send it to a grand jury, and they're mad at Comey and Lynch for whitewashing and killing the investigation.

In any case, the Hatch Act isn't even a criminal statute. It's an administrative constraint on government employees. The DOJ's Office of the Inspector General does not investigate employee related matters, especially violations of the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act is investigated and enforced by the independent US Office of Special Council (Hatch Act, Whistleblower Protection Act, and a couple of other statues regarding civil service and employment and reemployment of government employees). Violations of the Hatch Act result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspensions, fines, demotions, duty restrictions, or, in especially serious cases, termination. But that's as far as it goes.


Veteran Expediter
The issue isn't Harry Reid or Comey ... it's the agents (specific identities unknown at present) in the NYC office that have acted in a manner that appears to be intentionally calculated to influence the outcome of an election ... of the highest office in the land.

It's a BIG deal.

Guiliani sorta screwed the pooch on that one, due to shooting off his big mouth on TV and spilling the beans (BMOC) that he was talking to agents involved ... and had to pull a Trump and backtrack and say he didn't say what he had previously said.

If you'll notice Faux News recent reporting (in actual news programs) on likely "indictments" (really, really soon now ... no really ... any moment now) - which Brent Baier had to do a mea cupla on within about 24 hours as being WRONG - does not claim to be from any sources actually in the FBI ... just "sources close to the investigation"

The "sources" are Guiliani and James Kallstorm, the ex-Director of the FBI NYC office.

Guiliani is likely the direct conduit of the "leaks" into the Trump campaign - although Kallstorm may have played as much or even greater role than Guiliani - where the info - which was quite possibly embellished during it's sojourn in Trump HQ - was weaponized and the two of were sent out to gullible media to carry the message (to a similarly gullible public)

Both obviously have direct connections to the campaign as surrogates ... but there are other pre-existing financial connections to Trump and Trump backers (Mercer) as well.

There is a good bit of reporting on the above from a variety of outlets on all this ... as well as the mindset of some of the agents in the NYC FBI office - many Catholics apparently (wonder why they might pissed ... lol) who apparently think that Hillz is Satan Incarnate ...

You might wanna read up on it, because it appears as though you aren't fully in the loop.

And as you do that, you may want to keep in mind this is the FBI we're talkin about ... you know: J. Edgar and all that.

Some pretty nasty history there ... some of it not all that old.

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Veteran Expediter
The basis for the investigation stems from a book written by a Dead Breitbarter editor. The book was full of innuendo and contained a number of errors of fact, had to be revised and corrected.

Read some critiques of it.

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Veteran Expediter
"The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Justice (DOJ) is the Office of the Inspector General specific to the United States Department of Justice that is responsible for conducting nearly all of the investigations of DOJ employees and programs.

The OIG conducts independent investigations, audits, inspections, and special reviews of United States Department of Justice personnel and programs to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct, and to promote integrity, economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in Department of Justice operations."

You're correct about the Hatch Act and who handles it ... but that don't mean DOJ OIG or others (think US Attorneys) won't get involved. There are more there are more than just employees involved.

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