You assume (incorrectly IMO) many things - I take it you have never really played the game (of politics) ... at anything beyond a minor level ?
So if Ron Paul denies writing these newsletters I'm sure he knows who did.
really ?
Surely, you're not that politically naive ....
Was it Rockwell,Rothbard?
You have to be able to read someone's writing and discern their
style and "
voice" ..... which always seeps thru, even if you're trying to hide it ....
Like I said, if I had to guess maybe
Fred Reed ... look at the writing styles and the voice ... and he's certainly politically incorrect enough to do it ....
Probably not Rockwell or Rothbard ... although one of them may know who it was (probably not Murray, Lew was once Ron's Chief of Staff ... but is no longer

I'm sure he has gotten to the bottom as to who wrote them.
Heheheh ... that's a very high degree of certainty ... based on exactly
zero evidence
I wouldn't be so sure - in politics,
ignorance and
deniability is a highly valuable thing.
And Dr. Paul may have
no choice in the matter.
Here's how it works: if one is loyal to a person you work for or support, you necessarily protect them, and to some degree may keep them out of the loop. It's just better that they don't know.
It could be that whoever does know won't tell Dr. Paul - so he's "protected".
What's Dr. Paul going to do, if they refuse spill the beans ?
If their strategy is to act like there is nothing to see here so you all should just move along than it will only peak more interest.
I don't think they are necessarily acting like that at all - have you looked at the interview that Dr. Paul gave to Wolf Blitzer back in '07 or '08 ?
Wolf Blitzer Interviews Ron Paul Pt 1
Wolf Blitzer Interviews Ron Paul Pt 2
When there is nothing more to tell, there just isn't any more to tell ....
Hannity was merely asking questions.
ROTFLMAO .... Dude, just don't say stuff like that ..... because it means either one of two things, neither good:
A. You really don't have a clue and/or can't see.
B. You are really the enemy, and are only making a pretense of being a disinterested observer, in order to keep stickin' the knife in ....
just a little bit at a time ...
Sorry, but I've played the game long enough to know I what I see (
in terms of the hit from little lyin' weasel Hannuty)
You see the "interview" Hannuty did with "Blackjack" Bill Bennett ? It was totally a hatchet job on Paul. Pure
scum. No
interest whatsoever in the
truth. Just
Just think what the left media will do with this.
Actually, you should look at how some of it is being covered on that side of the aisle. I watched Chris Hayes show this morning on MSNBC - they covered Dr. Paul, the newsletter controversy, and the Hannuty/Bennett "hit" ....
Hannuty was just literally shredded for his conduct ....
The newsletter were treated appropriately with some concern - but with some honesty and integrity.
Dr. Paul was treated very respectfully - the people expressed their concerns (in light of the newsletters) but generally gave a great deal of respect to Dr. Paul for who he was. In fact, they were all (5) highly laudatory and heaped a good deal of praise on Dr. Paul for his integrity, and his courage - despite having serious disagreements with certain of Dr. Paul positions (social side)
Despite that, I think (and I really don't want to mischaracterize this, but I'm operating off memory and no sleep, and would need to see the clip again to be absolutely sure) that 4 of them (leaving out the host) expressed sentiments that they would vote for Dr. Paul (the guy that was the least enthused was a white guy - economics was the concern)
The two most ardent supporters ? .....
both black, and one definitely on the leftish side .....
This is the very thing that drives the
Repubicrat establishment and
Neoconmunistas™ absolutely stark, raving mad - that he can appeal across the political spectrum .....
easily .....
Big threat.
And it's a big threat to Obama - cause Paul is the only one that has a chance to beat him, so the hacks on the left will do something with it ..... they're gonna do whatever they do ....
Personally, I don't think it's gonna be that big a deal.
He should of had this resolved a long time ago by disclosing the actual authors so that there won't be any continued distraction.
You're assuming that he did actually know - and I guess, that he is
lying when he said he didn't. Clearly, you don't know the man.
It could be, if he actually does know (which is extremely doubtful IMHO, since he's said he doesn't) that he, being the man of integrity that he is, is unwilling to throw someone else under the bus, for something that he himself should have taken responsibility for - and
prevented in the first place.
You see, there are people out there that do have a very high sense of morals and personal integrity, and actually live by them. Strange I know. Dr. Paul is a particularly rare one ..... because he is also a politician (I would say a statesman)
What if that person was a 'vet, one who served in 'Nam, now disabled, who has lost his sight and is now legally blind, and living on maybe on a small pension ?
Would you throw that person under the bus, just for a political gain - for something that you should have prevented if you had been paying better attention ?
Shouldn't we scrutinize all of the candidates the same like we did Newt and Cain?
You absolutely should - and it's entirely fair to do so - however it's another thing entirely to
unjustly tar and feather someone (especially one in one's own party), by
intentionally misrepresenting things and
knowingly casting them in a
false light - when the person has owned up, come clean, and taken responsibility for the matter.
At that point, it's just bloodsport - and I can assure you that's not any place you want to go - it is, largely, a huge part of what's already wrong with this country.
Where it ultimately goes, you don't even want to contemplate.
A lot the above is my own speculation as to who, and why .... take it for what it's worth.