More insight into the damage to this country caused by the most liberal president in American history. Everyone elegible to vote in 2012 should be made aware of this easy to understand summary.
An almost unbelievable record of failure and mismanagement, to say nothing of the corruption and incompetence coming to light in the Solyndra and "Fast & Furious" scandals. What's even worse is that Barack Hussein Obama has another year in office! No other American president would have been given a slight chance for re-election with this record, and probably wouldn't have been re-nominated. Bun in spite of all this mess there are still some in the MSM that try to claim he's unbeatable unless the GOP runs the perfect candidate against him. Of course it was the MSM that got him elected in the first place, and it only further exposes the liberal bias of the ones that are sticking with him. It will be interesting to see how long Chris Matthews and others like him will stay on the bandwagon.Largest wealth destruction in American history: Net Wealth Lost 2009-2011 --$8.7 Trillion
Highest sustained Unemployment in decades: 9.1%
Brutal Unemployment for minorities: Black Americans : 16.7%
Unprecedented Unemployment: Black Teenage Americans :46.5%
Historic loss in American credit: U.S. Credit Rating drops to AA-plus
Historic jump in Number of people in U.S. on Foodstamps : 45.8 Million
Quixotic investment in mythic Green Jobs : $80 billion
· Supposed Number of Green Jobs Created : 255,000
· Approximate Cost of each Green Job: $313,725.50
Stimulus Program: TARP : $475 Billion
Stimulus Program: Shovel Ready projects : $787 Billion
Stimulus Programs: Cash for Clunkers : $3 billion
Stimulus Programs: Cash for Caulkers : $10 Billion
Changes in Unemployment after $1.5 Trillion of government stimulus: +3% change
Averaged cost of a gallon of gas : $3.45 +$1.25 change
New Regulations 2009-2011 : 75 Major New Regulations, 1,827 Rules Amended
Executive Orders signed by Obama : 96
Cost of New Regulations : + $1.75 Trillion annually
Public Debt : $18.8 Trillion
2012 Federal Budget Proposed by Obama : $3.73 Trillion
Percentage of Americans that pay no taxes: 51%
Percentage of Federal Spending required from borrowing: 40%
Percentage of Government Spending on Entitlements: 60%
Number of Obama proposals to limit entitlement spending: ZERO
Obama--The Numbers Don't Lie - Lurita Doan - Townhall Conservative