The New Scarlet Letter?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: New York paper publishes names of gun owners with interactive map

I think if you should be required to have a license to keep and bear arms, then you should also be required to have a license to practice your religion, and to exercise free speech, and to print a newspaper, and to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government, and to not be forced to incriminate yourself, and to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures, and to breathe.

Or ban it all, which will someday happen.


Veteran Expediter
I haven't found anything that said hipaa was enacted to protect HIV patients. The timing looks right and maybe it was just can't find info to support that.

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This is where memory comes into play. There was quite a fuss about that time, the LGBT community was demanding that this type of information be made private so it couldn't be used to stigmatize them. I don't think it was all that easy to get health information before then, but after the law was passed it became almost impossible even within the healthcare industry to get information unless the patient specifically gives it.


Veteran Expediter
If memory serves me right, part of getting the Ohio CCW passed was the stipulation that the media was to have unfettered access to the list of CCW permits.


Veteran Expediter
A license is official permission to do what is otherwise illegal. Being that a law-abiding citizen owning a gun can't be made illegal, how can a license for it exist?


Veteran Expediter
I agree. Two wrongs don't make a right. Journalists and publishers have a right to their personal privacy, same as anyone else.
Wouldn't you agree that that right only should be extended to those that don't violate another's right?

Well they have already posted the personal info of the people responsible[sic] for posting the map.

Reported on the web in several places is that the reporter has a license for a S&W 357. I actually hope he doesn't own one. That way if someone breaks into his residence he can't defend himself.
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Veteran Expediter
Reported on the web in several places is that the reporter has a license for a S&W 357.
I have read that this factoid was actually reported in the article The Journal did, if not in it's current version, then in it's original.


Veteran Expediter
If memory serves me right, part of getting the Ohio CCW passed was the stipulation that the media was to have unfettered access to the list of CCW permits.
Dunno about that but I recall there being a dust up and some controversy with regard to one of the northern Ohio newspapers (Toledo Blade or Cleveland Plain Dealer ?) publishing the info.


Veteran Expediter
I wonder if in the interest of transparency and the publics need to know that the editor would care to print the same kind of article pertaining to the names, addresses and all contact info of all the people collecting unemployment, welfare checks, foodstamps and any other government entitlement payments in the same area that they used as boundaries for those with CCW's....I mean I'd think that would show just how well the taxpayers money is being spent...


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Wouldn't you agree that that right only should be extended to those that don't violate another's right?
No. That would fall under the "two wrongs don't make a right" category. Now, as a punishment, if society at large (A.K.A. not a vigilante mob) or a judge or jury should decide that what's good for the goose is also good for the gander, then so be it. But you can't just go and steal some guy's lawn mower because he stole your rake.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
At some point, though, people are going to get fed up and start defending their rights on their own. Some may call that a vigilante mob. How though, do people defend their rights when it is the government and their mouthpieces in the press, are the ones that are taking their rights from them?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe the right gets defended through blogs. Wonderful thing, this Internet that Al Gore said he invented.

See here, now!

The People are speaking in reality. They are out buying guns and ammunition. They are taking classes on gun safety and learning how to shoot. Many gun clubs are offering, and filling, youth firearm programs.

Blogs help, something has to offset the lie fest against guns that the mainstream media is spewing.

This administration, this congress, however, is hell bent on taking out the Constitution, with the help of the mainstream media. They are going to make the effort. WHEN they pass these laws and when the Constitution has been tossed out, blogs won't help. Blogs will not fend off the "Brown Shirts" when they come to "assist" people with the mandatory buy back programs.

What forces are they going to use? The local cops? The military or maybe a 'beefed up' paramilitary style BATFE? Blogs won't help.

Just as with every other threat to the Constitution in the past, it will, sooner or later, require force to offset the enemy. It will happen if this government persists in it's efforts.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
UPDATE on this. One interesting thing that was brought up. There have been complaints from gun owners, with gun permits, who were also victims of domestic abuse. They are now concerned that the abuser will be able to locate them.. That is the problem when people chose to exercise a right without exercising the proper responsibility. IF some one's house off of that list is broken into, OR, if one of the abuse victims is attacked, that paper and "journalist" SHOULD, not only be sued, but charged with the crime as well.

[h=1]Newspaper That Published Gun-Owner Addresses Gets Its Staff's Info Outed[/h]
Yesterday we told you about the interactive map of local gun owners published by the Journal-News, a newspaper serving the Westchester and Rockland counties of New York, and the outcry itimmediately drew. Turns out the stunt was so unpopular — with gun owners and privacy advocates alike — that a blogger namedChristopher Fountain took it upon himself to dig up and organizethe names, addresses, and phone numbers of the Journal-Newsstaff, starting with editor Cyndee Royle. The post is called "Keep up the heat" and encourages readers to pester the paper and prevent them from continuing to report gun-owner addresses.

As long as they were keeping it to letters to the editor(s), the staff list was, at first, small potatoes as far as payback goes: the allure of the paper's original map of gun owners was the ability to see who, and how many people, owned a gun near a specific address — the paper's stunt was a map, not just a (sparsely populated) list of names. But overnight a different retaliatory blogger decided to map the newspaper staff addresses culled thus far (from Google and elsewhere). Here's what Robert Cox, of Talk of the Sound, came up with:

It's a disparate (and perhaps desperate) effort — there are only eleven addresses, one of which is located in Manhattan — and lacks the visual impact of the original map, which indicated just how many gun owners (and guns) there are in just two counties in blue-state New York. So it's not particularly interesting, but it may be dangerous, and it's certainly depressing — as its author notes: "Be advised that the Journal News has been in downsizing mode for the past several years. I have to wonder if all these names are current employees but we will treat them as such until we learn otherwise."

It's an open question whether the retribution is misplaced. In a morning interview with CNN, Fountain said he was angered by calls from victims of domestic abuse with gun permits who were worried their whereabouts had been inadvertently revealed. And, more philosophically: "In the aftermath of Newtown, it was obviously one tragedy, but somehow they were conflating legal gun owners with some crazed tormented devil up in Newtown and putting the two together."


Newspaper That Published Gun-Owner Addresses Gets Its Staff's Info Outed - Yahoo! News