Long is an understatement, 1168 pages in my book!! It is also a very hard read, makes me think too much!! I have had it since june of last yr, stopped reading it in several times because , well it makes you think....didn't read it at all during the 'election cycle" this yr and just picked it back up.
I was thinking i might pickup the audio book of it but I heard while it was good, it wasn't necessarily right on the mark as there were somethings that were "trimmed" from the printed version...Not sure if thats true, but its what i heard..
When I decided to read it, a very well informed "conservative radio talk show host that is a friend of mine told me it would change my way of thinking, we had only known each other for a bit and he didn't totally know me , (lol he does now) but he was right, to some extent, it changed some of my thinking, not a bunch, but some.....
It should be required reading for anyone thinking of going into politics......