When time is of the essence, the distinction you draw is a distinction without a difference. Putin is days away from defeating Ukrainian democracy and installing authoritarian officials to run the country. He is advancing his troops at will and the West responds with sanctions, and the Russians continue their advance without regard to civil norms; killing people at will, advancing at will.
Dear Lord ... turn off whatever tv channel you are watching and avoid the media hysteria if it's upsetting you that much.
Or at least filter it to only watch the military analysts.
Try doing a little
reading instead ... preferably military officials and people that have backgrounds in, and are involved with, tracking and analyzing military conflicts. Start here:
https://twitter.com/MarkHertling (Retired US General)
https://twitter.com/TrentTelenko (Retired US DoD Civil Servant, good on logistics and equipment maintenance)
https://twitter.com/PhillipsPOBrien (Professor of Strategic Studies, University St Andrews)
https://twitter.com/KofmanMichael (Director, Russia Studies at CNA. Senior Adjunct Fellow, CNAS
And this guy (Recently retired Major General Mick Ryan):
Familiarize yourself with the terrain. The Ukrainians are purposely ceding ground in places for a variety reasons:
UA is largely flat, with large open farm fields - which are potentially killing fields for UA troops and equipment.
The Putinist hordes supply lines are a cluster flop - the deeper they have to operate into Ukraine, the longer those supply lines become, and the worse off they are.
Also familiarize yourself with Russian anti-aircraft systems, including their mobile SAM systems. They have some of the most formidable systems currently available.
The West has massive powers that can be brought to bear, but they hold fast for some fear of WW III. Another word for that is appeasement. Yet another word is blunder.
This is rather overly simplistic from several standpoints ... and ignores the need for consensus on the part of NATO allies.
Possibly one of the worst thing that could happen - short of a military quagmire by NATO - at this point would be disunity.
Or even worse, Putin deploys tactical nukes.
Where do you think those will be aimed ?
Also, it's pretty clear that Putin is spoiling for a fight with the West, specifically the US. He wants to draw us into it.
Think what that will do for public opinion at home back in Russia.
Two days, two weeks, two months ... it does not matter.
If Putin's offensive
culminates in the next 10 - 14 days it will matter.
(See Gen. Mick Ryan's most recent thread above)
As long as the West continues to allow Putin to advance, he will advance and the war will end with him victorious.
Or not.
In the meantime, a million nightmare scenarios are the reality of life and death for Ukrainians.
No doubt ... I get it.
I'm certainly not happy with the situation and I hope that behind the scenes there's a lot more going on than we currently know about.
If that is the case, there are probably very good reasons for that.
When your house is on fire, you don't run to the library to get more information.
You also don't go hop on a bulldozer and raze the house to the ground either.
I think the Brits have an expression for that ... something about
throwing the baby out with the bath water.
This ain't Kosovo (in terms of the geographic area the theater of operations encompasses ...)