First of all, the country hasn't been taken, but in the minds of many conservatives it's slipping away. Books have been written about the above bullet points, but here are a few simple answers that can be offered for consideration:
- They want to take control back from socialist Democrat politicians and liberal media moguls. Consider crime, drugs, our pathetic public schools, misguided economic policies (inflation, jobs), our open southern borders where hoards of criminals and tons of Chinese-made fentanyl pour across unencumbered every day. Much of this is silenced or ignored by the mainstream media and social media moguls who operate as de facto publishers of carefully controlled information. And let's not forget the degenerative woke social norms that are starting to infect our culture: eg, how many sexes are there now?
- Themselves their children and future generations, obviously.
- Here's a blinding glimpse of the obvious - to improve and restore the quality of life that makes the USA unique.
- Yes, we already have a country and the rest of the world wants to come here, uninvited and unencumbered. However, we're not the world's homeless shelter.
The patriots and citizens to whom LDB referred will have their say at their ballot boxes in nine months. We'll see how that turns out.
I appreciate your thoughtful answer. Three responses:
1. Is it correct to say that behind the conservative desires you detailed above, lies a desire for a set of values and lifestyle that works for them and is assumed to be right for all others; regardless of the cultural preferences and views of those who are not conservative?
2. The consensus is that the upcoming mid-term elections will result in the Republicans taking the House and possibly gaining control of the Senate, but not gaining a veto-proof majority in Congress. That's called divided government and it's something that is relatively common in recent years. Democrats enjoyed a "blue wave" in the House when Trump held office. Republicans may enjoy a "red wave" as Biden holds office. 2022 seems likely to produce yet another iteration of divided government.
And that's not to say united government is the answer. In times of united government, government has seemed to be surprisingly ineffective in bringing out real change. Look at our collapsing bridges for example. For years, we've known they need attention, and for years, they have been neglected. Everyone, liberals, conservatives and indepentents alike, need and use bridges. Why can't we have reliable bridges? Everyone thinks it wise that money pools like Social Security and highway trust funds be funded as intended, but every chance they get, politicians of all stripes loot those funds to spend that money in other ways. Why can't we trust our elected officials to leave that money alone so it can perform it's intended purpose?
3. One thing not often said about the illegal immigration situation is the fact that many people on the street and in power turn a blind eye to it because they like the benefits. In our mall where our gym is, there is a Mexican restaurant where the staff is overwhelmingly illegal immigrants. These people come to America to improve their lives and make money to send home to their families. They patronize the business in our mall and the community. Those businesses willingly take their money. The people who dine at the restaurant fill the place up because they like the food and service these people provide. The local police are fully aware of this illegal community and do not object or enforce anything against them because they are well-behaved. Maybe someday federal authorities will raid the place, but until then, it's business as usual and everyone's OK. The conservatives who wave Trump flags on the corner just one block away do not protest this restaurant or their workers.
It seems safe to assume that this is repeated millions of time in businesses nationwide. Indeed, it is probably likely that some of the businesses that bring in illegal labor are owned by conservative owners.