So as a Humanist you're endorsing Globalism? In other words, rejecting the concept of sovereign nations? Anyone who believes in borders is "mean spirited"? The United States has historically accepted more legal immigrants than any other country in the world. Is an open southern border fair to existing American citizens?If anyone really cares, I believe in Humanism
Humanism - Wikipedia
I care about my fellow human being. If that seems to be a liberal position, you couldn't be more wrong.
Humanism believes in fairness to all. The position of the Rabid Right and Trumpism is a mean spirited position.
Trumpism believe when a man is down, kick him, when a person seeks refuse and seeks a better life, instead of attempting to help solve the problems, build a wall (that said goes to the leftists who build walls also).
Put down your partisan glasses and study the world as a whole.
Another interesting fundamental belief of Humanism as stated in the Wikipedia link: (bold emphasis mine). At least it's one of their few clearly stated beliefs that relates to today's culture.
"Humanists believe education plays a fundamental role in forming human nature.[68] Traditional ideas in Western countries have given the mind priority over the body; humanists see this as a false dichotomy and emphasize the unity of brain and body. Humanists support sex education to help people to understand and express their feelings; physical education to promote health, and moral education by sympathy and tolerance. Some consider the culture of examinations, which does not let children focus on their passions and does not promote deeper thinking, unhelpful.[69] Humanists are opposed to religious education in schools, mostly because they are opposed to indoctrination. A common counter-argument is that parents have the right to bring up their children in the way they want; humanists reply parents do not own their children and hence do not have such a right. They argue children should be raised to make their own choices, respecting their autonomy."
This is Liberalism in it's purest form, and is an example of the problem we have in our public schools today along with the woke cultural aberration of gender fluidity being imposed on our young children. Humanists/progressives are opposed to indoctrination of children so long as it's not their indoctrination.
All this in the name of "fairness to all".