I am not smart enough to think of all the un intended consequences....but the trend is undeniable. We are at the beginning of a new age....
Robotics in all it's forms is here...now...implementation is the next step...moores law will make it happen faster than we expect....
Along with that will come huge advances in medicine that will allow us all to live longer than ever before...
Sooooo....lets just throw some numbers around...not real numbers..but the trend will be correct...
Right now lets say 300 million Americans total.....50 million are too old, sick or for whatever reason not in workforce...so we need 250 million jobs to keep us all employed....
Currently we have say, 200 million jobs, leaving 50 million of us able, but unemployed....
Enter serious automation.....lets say 100 million jobs go automated....10 million jobs created to maintain these new machines...leaves 90 million unemployed....forever.....
Remember when it was up to the consumer to "save" the economy?....but consumers no longer have an income to pay for those goods anymore...
Having WAY too much time on my hands these days...I roll this concept over and over in my head and can only conclude that the current economic model is no longer feasible....and am not near smart enough to invision one that would work....
Expand this world wide...it truly boggles my simple mind.....
Everything is going to change....it simply has to....this will not make many people happy as core values will have to change...
We are in for a very tumultuous, not so distant, future.