Gotta luv this one...
runs this headline
Right-wing media obsesses over FBI text message story; hours later it's debunked
CNN accuses Fox of going with a single theory of why "potus wants to know everything we're doing" appeared in the Strzok-Page text messages. Probably because, hey, don't mess with Obama. Obama is off limits!
Fox pushed, not surprisingly, the theory that Obama at the very least knew what was going on the Strzok's and Page's activities, but also speculated that Obama was fully engaged. If you look at the timeline of the Strzok and Page text messages, and what they were working on, that's actually the theory that makes the most sense. But Fox also mentioned that it might be that potus wants to be kept apprised of the Trump-Russia investigation (which is what CNN is going with), because he was heading to China in a few days and would meet with Putin (where he would tell Putin to "knock it off."). And they also posited a couple of other theories, but the bottom line was, nobody knows for sure what the potus reference means.
CNN decided they like their own theory best, and confirmed their theory with the ever-chatty "people familiar with the matter." Since CNN has been all over the text messages coverage, they were able to find someone that confirmed their theory word-for-word. They even found someone who knows what Strzok was thinking.
When you read the article, though, the main thing you get from the piece is that CNN really hates, I mean HATES, Fox News. And the other conservative media.
Before other media outlets could provide the proper context for the text message, the narrative ricocheted through the pro-Trump media universe in what has become a pattern for stories that seem to call the investigation into Trump into question, or suggest that the investigation into Clinton wasn't thorough."
I busted out laughing when I read the emphasized comment. ALL other media, all of them, are speculating just like CNN and Fox News is. The emphasized text seems more like code for "before emails could circulate in order for us in the unbiased and totally non-partisan media could get our talking points together."
Within a couple of hours, all of the mainstream media were reporting the story using the same language, phrasing and buzzwords... as each other. That's an impossibility absent coordination (or, dare I say, collusion). <snicker>