That's identity politics at its core - you hear what you want to hear, and craft it for your own purposes.This was not Ms. Ryan's finest hour, imo.
Some I guess are looking under every rock and crevice for examples of Trump's apparent racism:
April Ryan Defends Accusing President Trump of Racist Language He Never Actually Used
There are too many of them to list, but I got a million of them if anybody is interested in a few.
April took to Twitter to defend herself and rally support. It didn't go well. She posted the sound bite, and the video, feverishly trying to make her case. She even Twitted, "So what does "we built this country" mean in front of a predominantly white crowed?"
The responses were in the order of, "It means you're a race-baiting troll. Dumbest thing I've ever heard," and "It means you made an ignorant, race-baiting comment, and got called out on it."
If you recall, she's the one Trump asked about in setting up a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus. She later bristled at that, and encouraged those who painted the question to her as being racist.
Funny thing is, the Wikileaks Podesta emails showed that she was not only one of the reporters who attended those two off-the-record dinner meetings with the Clinton campaign designed to craft how the liberal press would cover the campaign and work in lock-step with the campaign, they showed her comments after the meetings, about how wonderful they were, and about how they got her excited about the campaign and the inevitable election of Hillary. There were exchanges about how the campaign wanted her appearances on MSNBC to be framed, and about how they would like her to cover certain stories. She was most definitely entrenched within the partisan politics of the campaign.
But the really REALLY funny thing is, in several emails, she offered to facilitate not only meetings with the black reporters of the National Black Reporters Association, but to facilitate a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus (which she did, in fact, facilitate - so Trump may be a snarky bang-zoom genius).
In any case, what's the most telling here about April Ryan's race-baiting question is the deafening sound of crickets from here colleagues. No one is defending her.