I was reading on the Panther Expedited thread, no frgt or slow fgt . I too spent 6 days in Duncan SC and u all said to move and that was 8 days ago, so Im doing repairs , sitting, 10 days on odds and ends, looks like Im not missing much. Much bigger companies then mine are sitting,,so its catching up to them too. Well its nice weather in Chattanooga, laying on my butt, guess we will do some more bondo today, hope to be out by the end of the month, what the heck............its only money,,
I am,,got one of grandsons here,,hes 9, they are in another world, wish I could stay there,bicycles,cartoons,toystores,treeclimbing,and xbox to boot,,hes at a 1000 mph lol...................Go with the flow and a positive attitude works wonders...make the best of your time....