The Book of the Dead


Seasoned Expediter
The Book of the Dead
(and soon to be dead)
1 Bear Stearns
2 Fannie May
3 Freddie Mac
4 Merrill Lynch
5 Lehman Brothers
6 Washington Mutual
7 AIG Insurance
8 Citigroup
9 Wachovia
10 UBS
11 GM
12 Ford
13 GE
14 The Federal Reserve Bank


Veteran Expediter
GE will never be on that list. You really I mean really have to look at GE and see what they have done in the past 5 years or so. Just to give you a little hint, they have been pushing global warming and have been the largest company to provide 'solutions' from LED bulbs to wind generators to fuel sipping ari craft engines - really scary.


Veteran Expediter
It wasn't WAMU .... it was WaWa ...... no donuts and coffee for you .... one year ... :mad: