The “immigration problemâ€


Veteran Expediter
I ran across this article, “Fence plan alarms landowners†USA today and wonder what is wrong with some people in this country.

The writer talked with one land owner, Ranching magnate Bill Moody about the up and coming fence and he says "They're not gonna build it," Moody says flatly. "We darn sure don't need a wall. Everybody knows the Great Wall of China wasn't worth a #####."

But he is not the only one, there are several whose land border the Rio Grand and use it for water to make money, nothing wrong with making money. But as the article continues, I get more angry with these guys and their attitude. One point that really irks me is this, talking about the ranchers “say they often give Border Patrol agents access to their land to help the agents track down illegals.†Ok, they give permission to the ICE, the last time I checked they don’t need permission to chase people and if I am searched on the side of the road, who are they to deny the feds from pursuing invaders?

See to me this is a perfect illustration of the problem in this country, a rich ignorant person telling me and you that something is not needed to protect our country. I am sorry but they should not have a word about what is needed for national security in this country and I further think that a fence is not the solution at all, but a real barrier with a ½ mile buffer zone and maybe a 300 foot deep ravine where you can’ t climb up. I say take the land that the government needs and use it to protect all of us, my God they can take the land of poor elderly to build condo’s and strip malls why not take it from someone who can afford losing it for a really important issue.

While others say it is impossible to build such a barrier, I got to remind them that we as a country have built a lot of things; some of them just amaze me, like the Hoover dam. We have enough people in this country to build a barrier like I describe, enough building materials and machinery and we still have the attitude to get it done.


Veteran Expediter
Good one T-Hawk,

I thought about the ladder thing too so that is why I said a 300 foot deep ravine where you can’ t climb up. But I didn't explain the idea, what I meant to say is a 300 foot deep ravine that is 125 to 200 feet wide and has a access roads but also 50 foot steel reinforced walls on both sides and watch towers with bridges from one side of the ravine to the other. So someone would have to first scale a 50 foot wall to reach the other side not problem for many but then they would have to deal with the patrols going up and down the access road with no place to go but fall into the ravine, which may be the problem.

And yes it would provide jobs to a lot of people and teach many some skills.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You need about 150 feet of land along the border. You build a 6 foot fence with 3 lines of barbed wire along the top. About 50 yards farther into the country you build another 6 foot fence with 3 lines of barbed wire along the top. In the buffer zone you put the seismic detectors that can register footsteps from a mile away. You also liberally seed it with land mines. You set up towers with armed border guards every so often at the inner fence. You post signs every 100 yards along the fence line warning the buffer zone is mined and anyone in the buffer zone will be shot on sight. You follow through with it. Within a matter of days the media will see to it that it's worldwide knowledge anyone is free to leave the country but entry is only through legitimate entry points by those legally entitled to enter.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Retired Expediter
Think we should fire Chertoff and hire Leo...

Now those signs you mentioned? ...they'd be in French or Italian?*L*


Retired Expediter
now why didn't I thunk of that...

Hey Danny...still rollin???

Had the honoUr of meeting Danny and his wonderful wife last week in LaSalle Ill...Great couple...:)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It worked to keep virtually everyone inside in communist Germany. Why wouldn't it work to keep virtually everyone out of our nation.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Greg, c'mon now... I can't believe you said that rich ignorant people shouldn't have a word to say about national security in this country. First of all , isn't free speech the very right this forum and many others like it provides?? I am quite sure you are familiar with the Bill Of Rights. Well, that means all citizens not just the poor ones! Besides, rich, ignorant people are actually running this country as we speak!

And while we're on the subject:



Expert Expediter
Hey guy good to hear from you. We are in Knoxville, TN right now waiting for a load. Been a little slow but it will get better.
It was great meeting you also. I really like your A/C setup..KOOL idea.



Veteran Expediter
What I got from Greg's remark is that ignorant rich people shouldn't have any lobbying power when it comes to national security.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Seasoned Expediter
>What I got from Greg's remark is that ignorant rich people
>shouldn't have any lobbying power when it comes to national
>-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!
ignorant people shouldn't have any lobbing power over anything, it just ain't national security, a good example is the hours of service we now have, but the mad mothers rammed it down FMCSA's throat and what we got screwed us all the good thing about the new hours what the 10 hr. break the bad and I mean bad is the 14 hour rule, no one in their right mind thinks that it makes for safer roads or improves driver health but they had to throw the special interests a bone. But wait the weren't satisfied the took it to court, they want us to work no more than 8 hours a day, be home every night, and be required to take weekends off, they haven't got a clue. just one example of many that show how special interests and their lobbies are destroying our country.

Critter Truckin

Expert Expediter
Me being the eternal optimist that I am (horsecrap), I still think that there may be some not so self-serving officials and possibly even politicians in that place we call the Captial. However, we still need to tell the idiots that are elected, one way or another, to keep their heads in the game and tell the lobbies to go screw for once. Now I know that this will never happen, but I think it was hit square when the mad mothers stormed the DOT to tell them how our jobs should be done. Not to mention the good folks at JB and the Great Pumpkin. Slow is better and we need to sleep. This being said, when a mad mother wipes out a school bus full of window licking folks, will it then be illegal to yawn while driving? Those poor girls in New York that bought it just a couple weeks ago when THEY swerved into a semi, and I'm sure that the police are still trying to figure out what the driver did wrong. Even though their friends saw the whole thing happen.

Point being is this. Keep people with money out of the decision making. If they have money, great. But they are in no position to tell us how our lives should and should not be led. And as for illegals of any country. Maybe we should send our worst to them. I know of a few people here that can't speak a lick of French that haven't bathed in years that could bake the hell out of a croissant or five.


Retired Expediter
T. Jefferson said 'In Pursuit of Happiness"
He didn't say you'd catch/find it! But you could at least pursuit it...