That Laredo sitting thingie


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
I have turned sown more offers to laredo than i have excepted by far...when i first started laredo seemed to be a big bonus.. easy in and out.....NOW..just seems to be a big crap shoot ...been stuck there more times than i like..that what you remember when the offer comes in.....wouldnt even be that bad if it was not so darn hot..sit day in day out @ 110 deg. With no offers..gets to you...i just rather run up north... make the same if not more than gambling on sitting in an oven for 4-5 days....then to get all these low ball offers when the phone does ring...eeeerrrr...... just say NO!!..that's my strategy ..

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Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
We usually do pretty good out of there but there are times it stacks up. That determines whether we go or don't. The amount of Panther trucks means little. What we look at is how many "bottom feeders" are down there. Just can't compete with people taking straight truck loads out of there for under a buck a mile.


Expert Expediter
If there's a lot of different companies sitting then I'll head up to San Antonio or Houston myself. I usually give it a couple of days in Laredo at least.


Seasoned Expediter
Went there last weekend and dh out. Talk to a dispatcher they said I should quit going down there due to me being a single driver it's hard for them to get enough time in the load for me to run it out of there so I want be back as long as I'm with the fat cat


Veteran Expediter
Every carrier and vehicle type is different. I highly suggest talking to people in your own fleet and see what works at your company. For example some Say go to Dallas or Huston you wouldn't catch me dh to either place in a million years. Ill take the border towns anyway because that is what is successful for me in a splinter at our cpany.

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Yes because your Carrier services Canada and a lot of freight that comes out of the border towns does finalize in Canada. You guys bring it right up to your main guy Scott. That is working a really good angle. There aren't a lot of Carriers out there running Canadian freight!


Expert Expediter
My rule on Laredo was always (after 2 trips) to add 200 miles for the deadhead I knew I was going to make out to San Antonio and if it still paid okay, take the load. Otherwise, I passed. Usually, I passed, as adding 200 miles pretty much killed the all-miles rate for the load.


Active Expediter
Was there 2 weeks ago and set a record. Unloaded and 4 hours later loaded and on my way to Louisville, KY.

my first time in laredo, unloaded, didnt even leave the gates when the phone rang. pick up down the street, going to barstow, CA. couple hours from home. interestingly enough, every time i go down there, i get loaded quick. i never drop my rate either. longest i've stayed was two days. never DH out. i just hope my luck doesnt run out.


Veteran Expediter
my first time in laredo, unloaded, didnt even leave the gates when the phone rang. pick up down the street, going to barstow, CA. couple hours from home. interestingly enough, every time i go down there, i get loaded quick. i never drop my rate either. longest i've stayed was two days. never DH out. i just hope my luck doesnt run out.

Generally the railroad freight that comes out of that Warehouse down there pays well. We got a driver out of there last week for a buck a mile. It was a GE load from one of our partner carriers. The GE loads tend to pay better than the automotive loads as "the board that posts the GE expedite loads" is very sylective about who they will allow to see their freight. I have a friend who has been talking to them for 2 years and he still can't get on the board to see their loads. Less carriers on the board means less competition.


Retired Expediter
Generally the railroad freight that comes out of that Warehouse down there pays well. We got a driver out of there last week for a buck a mile. It was a GE load from one of our partner carriers. The GE loads tend to pay better than the automotive loads as "the board that posts the GE expedite loads" is very sylective about who they will allow to see their freight. I have a friend who has been talking to them for 2 years and he still can't get on the board to see their loads. Less carriers on the board means less competition.

Tell me about it I have been nagging John since I came To load 1. Lol


Veteran Expediter
Spot truckload expedite to Laredo is a no go for me at the rates I see offered. And some of the ones offering low ball rates $2-25-$2.50 a mile on 800/1000 miles act like it's great money and I'm the crazy one for needing more to go into a bad market. It's a cheap joke is what it is unless one has contacts with good rates coming out.. One good thing I have noticed in the past couple of weeks general freight rates are getting better in my lanes. Actually turned down a "decent" expedite load today (they wanted to pay $150 below what I bid) and did much better money on less miles 2 short haul one pick one drop general freight loads today. Doing more and more spot general freight. Looking forward to things tightening back up on expedite side.
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