Thanksgiving downer


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
As I write this post, I am sitting on the edge of my bed, at Mercy Hospital, where I have been since Monday evening. Please forgive me, if I become "preachy".

To save time, let me just refer you to a web search for COPD, and
Emphysema. How I wound up in here for Thanksgiving is all outlined
in the medical and anecdotal evidence prsented.

STOP SMOKING TODAY!!! The inevitable result cannot be reversed(death), but you can dig in your heels and make the remaining time more comfortable and productive.

I would be glad to respond to PM's regarding this topic.

Thanks for letting me pull up "pity pot" to post this message.



Senior Moderator
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Good advice on the smoking. We wish you well with your recovery.

23 years
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Mike, best wishes and good luck to you. I hope many will read and heed your hard earned lesson. Thanks for sharing it.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Veteran Expediter
No time is a good time to be sick, Mike, but being sick during the holidays is especially rough. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours today and in days coming. DDx2


Seasoned Expediter
quit smoking. I wanted people who think they cannot quit that there is a new medicine that will help. I have smoked over 35 years and have tried many times to quit and never did for more than a day or two untill I was put on a medicine call Chantix, this stuff is amazing after a week and even before my quit date I woke up one morning,lit up a cigarette as usual, 3 or 4 puffs late I got to thinking what the he** am I doing I don't even want this thing, put it out,cleaned the truck out of anything associated with smoking and haven't looked back!! do I still have urges, yes but the difference is they are not severe, don't last long and are easily controlled. if you want to quit and think you can't go to your doctor and talk to him about Chantix, you will be glad you did


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Good luck Mike and thanks for sharing this message. It just may make someone else quit.


Veteran Expediter
You've got a lot of folks praying for you Mike and that goes for us too!

Hang in there guy!

Butch & Dawn


Veteran Expediter
My mother and my motherinlaw both suffered from emphysema so I have first hand experience with your situation as a care giver. My mother never smoked and was not in a smoking environment. No-one could ever explain why she had emphysema. My motherinlaw smoked heavily and never quit. Her doctors told her if she did quit, she had a good chance of some recovery and a fairly normal life. I quit in 81 and I still occasionaly dream about smoking. Quitting is the hardest thing I ever did in my life. Your situation hits very close to home and you are and will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Hang in there man. It can get better.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Thanks to everyone, for your thoughts, and words,
of encouragement. I came home frome the hospital Friday afternoon and have stuck pretty close to home since then.

At this point, I feel that the most significant result of this weeks's events, is the psychological impact of emphysema. It is, in 90% of cases, self-inflicted, by smoking. I quit about 4 yrs. ago, but apparently, it was too late.

If you do a Google search for Emphysema, there isn't much good news to be found. It can't be reversed, and it is progressive; however, it can be controled, to a degree.

So we will presss on. Thanks again for the support.


Veteran Expediter
Hi all,
This is my first ever post here at this forum. I have been reading posts from time to time, but never registered until today.

I just wanted to verify what riverrat said about the drug Chantix. I smoked for 49 years and thought there would never be a way for me to quit the horrible smoking habit. I took it for only 1 month and it worked. If I were to do it again, I would have took it for at least 2 months or maybe 3. But never the less, it helped me to quit. And that was what I needed to do for health reasons. Last time I smoked was 1/1/2007, so I have almost made it a year now. And am not looking back. Although I dream of smoking and have tremendous urges at times, I just hang tuff and fight that urge. Best thing I ever did for myself.

As for you freightchaser, I feel for you. Your situation is exactly what I was trying to avoid. Breathing was becoming more and more harder for me. I knew I was pushing the limit. But doctor has since given me breathing tests and says I have survived with some damage, but not acute. So maybe I have missed the horror you have suffered. Please know that I hope you will be much better in the near future.

And to all of you who are still smoking???? Well here is the way to get off of it and an example of what will likely happen if you don't!

Good luck to you freightchaser and all the rest who have quit!



Veteran Expediter

Please let me know if I can be of any help to you.

As a former team member on a respiratory unit, I understand the medical prognosis.

As a minister, I know my God will send the comforter (John 16-7) when all seems lost and we find ourselves in those moments of despair.

If freight takes me to someone's home area and they are in need of a hospital visit, I am always willing to be a help.

Please feel free to contact me anytime.

I will place you on my prayer list.

Get well soon!

John 16-7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.