Terrorist will win


Veteran Expediter
After reading about the programs that they have in the middle east to indoctrinate kids in to believing that anyone who is not of their religion is the devil (Mickey Mouse is used for a few of them by the way) and we are having an all night session in congress on the Iraq question, I have come to the conclusion that a lot of people don’t care whether we are hit again and people will die, or they just are ignorant of the facts.

But with that intro, I feel that if you don’t think we should be in Iraq, bomb Iran (a position that I have yet taken) or fight terrorism where ever they are at then;

• You have no clue who the enemy is or grasp the concept that they will kill you and your family without hesitation

• You support the terrorist and terrorism, the killing of innocent people for a twisted and sick cause

• You support the oppression and the killing of women and children

• You support honor killing of family members

• You support child abuse through indoctrination of the young to kill unconditionally anyone who does not believe in a version of a religion that others tell them is the only one true religion

• You support punishments like beheading, stoning, Caining, dismemberment and death for a rape victims

• You support fascist style theocracy and not any democracy or the freedoms

• You don’t understand what barbarism is about and can’t recognize it

• You have not learn what the Holocaust was, what the Turks did to the Armenians or what happened in Kosovo

• You are incapable of understanding that the Soviet Union killed 40 million and China 60 million, if the terrorist could they would do worst than both combined

• You justify your existence by your material wealth and possessions and are oblivious to the world outside of your home

• You have no concept of mortality

• You support a single state sponsored religion

• You support the destruction of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Sikh, Baha'i, Jain among other religions and the death of those who follow those religions

• You support killing of Gays and atheists without hesitation

• You support a one world order that will control the people through totalitarianism and death

• You support propaganda and state run press and media

If you don’t agree with my comments that’s alright because the terrorist don’t want you to agree, they count on it and on your ignorance to kill, conquer and dominate the world.

They know that a united front is something that will cause them to lose, so the more divided you about the issues as a country and the more ignorant the population is, the better for them. The more hate you have for your government, its leaders and military, the more you tie the hands of the people who are trying to protect you and the more you empower the terrorist to win.

They count on you and the protests, the division within our country and they show people who are doubtful that death leads to paradise these images of our inability to come to together, to change their minds and die for a cause like this.

They count on your decedent life style, your need to be isolated from your community and the people around you, your need to feed you desire to be part of a fantasy world of sports and movie stars to win. They don’t care what happened to Paris, Nicole or Britney, they will be the first to go after the conquest.

They count on the education system to teach kids that other cultures, regardless how violent or abusive they may be, is not as bad as the one that they are living in. They count on both the teachers and parents to reinforce the numbing of the children through the use of video games and school violence so they will tune out the violence that will be happening to their community, family and themselves. They also know that the children will be the easiest to convert and easiest to convince to die for the same cause because of the schools removing individualism in the class rooms and replacing it with all kinds of touchy feely things.

They count on their allies, the press to feed propaganda to the people to make it look like everything is a disaster and we are losing millions fighting for a worthless cause.
Winning to them is having a population that is completely obedient and subservient, if they can’t have that, killing is used to invoke the terror needed to overcome the resistance of the people to becoming obedient and subservient. Once the conquest is finished, the press will be purged as will the justice system and every municipality in the country.

You can’t negotiate a peace with a terrorist, there are only two options available to you, kill them before they kill you or die.


Veteran Expediter
You forgot one:

- You don't give a shiite as long as it doesn't happen to you or yours.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
An accurate portrayal of Hilary, Obama et al. Very clearly points out what we have to look forward to.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
"You can’t negotiate a peace with a terrorist, there are only two options available to you, kill them before they kill you or die."

110% Correct. It is also pretty much impossible to bring someone back from that "brink", once someone becomes a terrorist. Their heads are just filled with way too much garbage. People in the US really do not understand what we are up against, if it does not effect them.



Retired Expediter
I was sitting with another driver last week when the insurgents lobbed morters into the green zone...this guy has a son that works in the zone as a body guard...He called his son to make sure all was ok after a few tense minutes of not being able to get thru. His son called him back. He said dad don't worry this happens on a regular basis and CNN and others can't be bothered covering it only on a slow news day!!! or if it serves thier own cause to bash our troops or Bush.


Veteran Expediter
I think we oughta bomb iran,syria, and iraq and tell the people when the terrorist are gone we will quit bombing you. get them to police themselves. if they know someone is a terrorist they will handle they're business. there are not enough warriors left in this country to what needs to be done. everyone wants to be politically correct and not hurt anyone's feelings. if i was president they would have to worry about their skulls gettin hurt and not their feelings.


Veteran Expediter
Holy Jihad !!
Give me a break!! You could say most of those same things about The U.S.!! AlQuida(sp) wasn't in Iraq until we got there... Were there terrorists in Iraq before that? definitely. But that isn't why we are there. Just like Dennis Kucinich said in the last debate, If there was oil in the Sudan we would be occupying it right now. There are terrorists everywhere, including right here in our neighborhoods as we speak. Hammas has been here since the 1960's...that timebomb has been ticking for a long time. sooner or later it'll blow.

The rest of you gungho cowboys better wake up and realize that your fearless, loose cannon,pinheaded President is setting us up for World War III. Quit whining about Hillary and Obama..or Edwards or whoever. Why don't you do something constructive like write to your congressman or even The Whitehouse and share your psycho babble with them. It's no wonder the world hates America...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I hate to break the news to you but this is already world war 3 and has been since 9/11. If anything, this is more of a world war than any prior war. This enemy will not be satisfied until every one of us is dead or subjugated. That isn't some of us. That isn't part of the world. That's every single solitary last one of us on every square mile of the entire earth. The only thing that will stop that is for us to stop them. The only way that will happen is from within. The only way that will happen is for us to take one of their nations, in this case Iraq, and help them become independent and free of the absolute tyranny of radical Islam. We will never win from the outside only. We can only win from both the outside and inside. Iraq is our key to the inside. I'm not a cowboy but I'm a Texan. I've seen enough cow pies to know that Harry Reid, Obama, Hillary et al are trying to give us cow pies and make us think they're apple pies. There definitely needs to be some waking up but it isn't me and in this particular case it isn't the administration either.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Holy Jihad !!
Give me a break!! You could say most of those same things about The U.S.!!

Take a break….. done?

I have said this about the people of the US, we support these things 100%.

We as a country have gone so far away from the barbarism that I pointed out, that we don’t know what the past was like or who we are actually fighting. We don’t have this need to learn and forgotten the lessons of 9/11.

Instead we have this ‘leave them alone and they won’t bother us attitude’ only caring what Hollywood or the sports world is doing.

As much as you may (I don’t really know this but I will say it anyway) hate the us policies and possibly the US for what we have been doing, these policies transcend different administrations and have not changed with the changing world and we haven’t done much in the true sense to fight the dangers.

As a culture we look at things in a twisted way, we support any cause that has to do with children or family in our country but fail to understand or do anything that would help children or family in others, like Iraq.

Our culture is not one of hatred, but we avoid criticizing cultures that do hate. We don’t bring the family down to the town square to see the latest punishments being handed out “look Johnny, see how the head just rolled off the platform, not like that other head which had to take two whacks of the sword to come off†or “come on Jane, throw the rock harder, hit the girl in the head she deserves it for being rapedâ€

You think I am making this up?

We also don’t have Hitler youth style camps or indoctrinate our children to hate, except hate republicans.

We are just blind to real facts, to reality – nothing else.

AlQuida(sp) wasn't in Iraq until we got there... Were there terrorists in Iraq before that? definitely. But that isn't why we are there.

But see you don’t understand the premise of my post, this is not about Iraq, it is about our laziness to deal with a serious problem and the ramifications of our ignorance of a people and terrorists who belong to groups like Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Kahane Chai or the Laskar Jihad. These leaders are not stupid, they know what our weaknesses are and their followers are not going to be persuaded to stop until you or I are dead and they conquer us.

Just like Dennis Kucinich said in the last debate, If there was oil in the Sudan we would be occupying it right now.

Mr. Kucinich is an idiot by stating that. Just an FYI – there is oil in Sudan – a good amount of oil and Sudan is a country and Darfur region is part of it. We won’t go into Africa and no president should commit themselves to going into Africa until the African Union starts taking care of their own (they are rich and powerful and complain about the ‘white’ UN peace keepers and others who are there helping shold not be there).

There are terrorists everywhere, including right here in our neighborhoods as we speak. Hammas has been here since the 1960's...that timebomb has been ticking for a long time. sooner or later it'll blow.

“Hammas has been here since the 1960's†Oh really?

This is one thing that floors me, Hamas (or Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya) has been here since the late 80’s when they were formed. Unlike Hezbollah, Hamas has taken a form of an organization that has banks, schools and other things providing services to the people to win their support. Unlike the present president, who is late getting out of the gate with a lot of things, Clinton allowed the support from the US to Hamas to continue while previously GH Bush tried to limit the funds from leaving the US.

Much of the Hate the US thing comes from the Iranian Revolution in 78/79 and our president Carter (pathetic old man) who screwed everything up with his policies of negotiation and ineptness when we were attacked. Reagan didn’t do much better; he should have never pulled out of Lebanon.

The rest of you gungho cowboys better wake up and realize that your fearless, loose cannon,pinheaded President is setting us up for World War III.

Setting us up?

Ah, dude we are in WW3.

We have been long before 9/11 and will not be able to get out until we finish something we started, Iraq is one thing. Clinton got us in deeper and for some reason the idea of issuing warrants and trying to take Bin Laden just didn’t quite work out for us.

See for what it is worth, and I know I won’t convince you, the problem is not Iraq, the problem is not Iraq. The problem is and always has been we are showing weakness, we are showing a division and not understanding the culture that permeates these people’s lives as a population.

Quit whining about Hillary and Obama..or Edwards or whoever.

Why not complain about Hillary, Obama or Edwards? All people who also have no clue. I think if Hillary gets in to the WH, she will have a hard time pulling the troops out. Obama, for what its worth will pull them out plus all the support that we provide, which will make the terrorist recruit even more people because of the victory that they have won. Edwards, oh come on – he is going to fight a war on poverty while having $400 hair cuts, live in a house the size of an apartment building and jet around complaining how unfair it is to have all these rich people in the US.

The truth of the matter, if there is a withdrawal, there will be a bloodbath that you have never imagined and it will come here.

Why don't you do something constructive like write to your congressman or even The Whitehouse and share your psycho babble with them.

I have and I want to see Levin recalled, he is one person that knows what is going on, having the largest Arab population in the world outside the middle east living in South East Michigan (yes this is a fact) and hearing from many Iraqis who now call the US home, they have written to him, call him to tell him to support the troops and their mission.

As far as psycho babble, come on, that is another worn out used up term. What I wrote is actually based on an article written in Arabic (translated into English by some Middle East scholar), the article spells out the problems we Americans have with our ineptness and support of people and things we don’t care about. We care more about sports in this country than we do about what is being planned to kill us.

If this is too far off base for you, well my scholarly friend, maybe you need to take some time and learn what is going on over there and in your own back yard. Learn what the people and culture are all about and take the points I laid out and see if I am not right.


Veteran Expediter
I certainly do not have, as you describe a "leave them alone and they won't bother us" attitude. If you mean "us" as a country, there is definitely a huge faction that feels that way.I don't happen to be one of them. I am very aware that we are in a grave situation. The atrocities you described in the post I commented on earlier are horrible to say the least. I also know that drastic measures such that we never have seen before are going to be necessary. I don't know where you get the idea that I "hate" the US. I love my country.
I'm not sure what caused you to speculate otherwise but I am willing to "engage" as you say in whatever means are necessary to "defend" my country from terrorists and and other aggressors. I do mean that personally, not just figuratively. I do not however believe in attacking and occupying another country under false pretenses when there are far more serious threats elsewhere.
Saddam Hussein was obviously an evil man to say the least and he got what he deserved, BUT, as far as I am concerned he proved that the way he ruled is what kept what has been happening these last few years from happening under his rule. If you remember his interview with Dan Rather just before this fiasco began, he called it exactly the way it has come down. He knew what he was dealing with. We did not.He was ruling a house of cards with a pit bull at the door. I know you say you weren't talking about Iraq but that is what people are ticked off about.
Terrorists are born everyday. They come from every corner of the earth.They align themselves with all different kinds of causes to get funding to do their unspeakable crimes. As you say many indoctrinate (the muslim ones any way) their children to believe that the infidels (jews)and us (because christians are decendants of the jews) are Satan and we must die. I have seen this up close and personal right here in Ohio. I have seen the hatred in the eyes of middle eastern muslims and hear the horrible things they say to Christians, especially the ones from the middle east. They truly hate each other. My very best friend is from Jordan and is catholic. He has talked often of the way he grew up in a muslim neighborhood and the consequences he suffered. They want him dead. They want us dead. I get that. I just want the focus to be on the right things, that's all.
I am no bleeding heart. I have no problem with violence when it is necessary.If we are truly in WW III as you say we are, who have we declared war on? Conventional warfare isn't going to get the job done.
How can it be won? How will we know? We won't know because it is never going to happen. Good against Evil never ends. All I know is we have to protect the castle first.

Look, I am no Hillary or Obama apologist and Edwards is an idiot. It's just that this broken record about these people is getting old. Obama is never going to win, he is running strong now because he is a fresh face but he has no real substance. Hillary is hillary. She is a professional politician. She isn't as left wing as you think though. Edwards is an idiot. don't worry, his true colors are just starting to show through. he has no chance. Now Joe Biden, I wouldn't mind him...he gets it.


Expert Expediter
letzrockexpress wrote: "Just like Dennis Kucinich said in the last debate, If there was oil in the Sudan we would be occupying it right now."

And as long as we want to utilize petroleum driven trucks/cars...thats what we have to do.


Veteran Expediter
I certainly do not have, as you describe a "leave them alone and they won't bother us" attitude. If you mean "us" as a country, there is definitely a huge faction that feels that way. I don't happen to be one of them. I am very aware that we are in a grave situation. The atrocities you described in the post I commented on earlier are horrible to say the least. I also know that drastic measures such that we never have seen before are going to be necessary. I don't know where you get the idea that I "hate" the US. I love my country.

I'm not sure what caused you to speculate otherwise but I am willing to "engage" as you say in whatever means are necessary to "defend" my country from terrorists and other aggressors. I do mean that personally, not just figuratively.

I apologize, I did say that this may not be the case with you but many who take similar positions do in fact want to see us lose, hate the US policies and the US as a country. Again I apologize for it. as for others, I don’t have to speculate on their position it is out there in the blogs, forums and in print for all to see, this also applies to a bunch in congress, like Murtha.

I do not however believe in attacking and occupying another country under false pretenses when there are far more serious threats elsewhere.

Well as for Iraq, there is a long history that most seem to forget, one is that the Clinton administration set the policy that the Bush administration has followed. The UN actually sanctioned the use of force and for some reason no one seems to understand that the weapons that were there and moved could be replaced easily with the resources on hand.

If we say attack North Korea, that would have been more of a blood bath than Iraq. There is still some ties with North Korea and China that mae attacking them questionable.

Attacking Iran? The problem there is even through the people of Iran hate their government, they will fight and sacrifice their lives for the country.

Where else?


Maybe that would not be a bad idea, think of Paris with more McDonalds and Burger Kings or maybe Chef Pierre’s take out Escargot.

Saddam Hussein was obviously an evil man to say the least and he got what he deserved, BUT, as far as I am concerned he proved that the way he ruled is what kept what has been happening these last few years from happening under his rule. If you remember his interview with Dan Rather just before this fiasco began, he called it exactly the way it has come down. He knew what he was dealing with. We did not.He was ruling a house of cards with a pit bull at the door. I know you say you weren't talking about Iraq but that is what people are ticked off about.

You pointed out two important things that many also miss, his control of the situation and the fact we failed to recognize it. We failed to secure the borders in Iraq and use the existing military and police to keep control. I think that Saddam would not have help out but when we dismantled the entire military, we made a big mistake and left big gaps – like Patton’s use of Nazis after WW2 to keep the place running, we could have done the same. In fact I remember hearing that many of the generals and officers in the army was willing to help but that was rejected by the administration.

Terrorists are born everyday. They come from every corner of the earth.They align themselves with all different kinds of causes to get funding to do their unspeakable crimes. As you say many indoctrinate (the muslim ones any way) their children to believe that the infidels (jews)and us (because christians are decendants of the jews) are Satan and we must die. I have seen this up close and personal right here in Ohio. I have seen the hatred in the eyes of middle eastern muslims and hear the horrible things they say to Christians, especially the ones from the middle east. They truly hate each other. My very best friend is from Jordan and is catholic. He has talked often of the way he grew up in a muslim neighborhood and the consequences he suffered. They want him dead. They want us dead. I get that. I just want the focus to be on the right things, that's all.

I agree with you, but the problem is the cause is about the same where ever you go, Malaysia, Philippines, Somalia, Russia, Middle East – all the same cause.

As for indoctrination, this happens in other cultures too, but it has been most prevalent in the Muslim culture.

This all goes way beyond Christians and Jews, try including every religion. If you are not with them 1000% in their beliefs, then you are an enemy. I also have friends in Turkey and Iran who face the same thing as your friend and they tell me about a lot of the stuff we can’t understand as a society that actually exists in the world.

I am no bleeding heart. I have no problem with violence when it is necessary.If we are truly in WW III as you say we are, who have we declared war on? Conventional warfare isn't going to get the job done.

Now here is the point, we are at war with a group of people, no country per se, but people so it is sort of a culture that we are fighting against. If you know anything about the Japanese culture during the Meiji period up to capitulation of Japan to recognize defeat in mid-1946, you will understand what we are really fighting against.

How can it be won? How will we know? We won't know because it is never going to happen. Good against Evil never ends. All I know is we have to protect the castle first.

It would be difficult to really know when or if we win other then not having our government fall or more attacks on the US. I think the thing that we can do is keep trying to stay a few steps ahead of them, which means that we need to come together as a country first and then worry about the other countries. We need not to worry about if the government is watching transactions of banking outside the US, or tapping out going calls to certain people, that is what the terrorist want to know and we tell them.

I have said that Iraq was a mistake, but it took over 500 elected officials to read classified documents and have the input from different people from the UN to CARE to help make the decision to go into Iraq, not one man. If we continue to blame one man and the false or misleading information, we can’t move forward and get out.

I mean give you one example, and seeing you have a Jordanian friend you may understand this better than most. When the Iraqi constitution was being formed, I read all these complaints from the left about Iraq turning into a theocracy and how we wasted our time and so on. Well the Iraqis, like many other Arabs don’t embrace democracy like the west does and it is about religion and the state to them which leads many here not to understand the differences in what we see as a democracy and what they see it as. Their constitution is just that, theirs and don’t think for a minute that these people just got together after spending a life time out in the desert with the camels, they know what it takes to pull it together.

Like today I hear about the benchmarks for the government not being met again and the criticism of Bush over this, but again like the constitution issue, you have to understand the culture to understand that they look at the benchmarks as demands and not a true measurement of reality in their country. I know one Iraqi who said to me when they came out with this idea of tying aid to the benchmarks that it is sad that the congress demands this from the Iraqis who are just building their country up while facing impossible odds but the congress can’t live up to their promises and the people who elected them don’t demand that they live up to any benchmarks.

Oh and one thing that I have gotten from many of the Iraqis I have been talking to is that they don’t want us to leave. Leaving to them is abandonment, nothing else and the average Iraqi knows once this happens, the vacuum will be filled with the killing of the innocent.

Look, I am no Hillary or Obama apologist and Edwards is an idiot. It's just that this broken record about these people is getting old. Obama is never going to win, he is running strong now because he is a fresh face but he has no real substance. Hillary is hillary. She is a professional politician. She isn't as left wing as you think though. Edwards is an idiot. don't worry, his true colors are just starting to show through. he has no chance. Now Joe Biden, I wouldn't mind him...he gets it.

Actually there are others in the Democrat party that would be good as president but I won’t get into that. The field is such that they don’t want to fact real questions and in fact they want to exclude other dems from participating in debates and such so there are only three.