Hello all-my team is running a 2005 Western Star 4900 straight truck with Detroit Diesel 60 series/tandom axles getting about 7 mpg on hwy. I don't really think this is 2 unusual since truck is reefer with APU, 120 gal tanks, liftgate. However, I'm trying to look for poss answer for this mileage-has airtabs/new air filters/normal tire pressure/seems to run great. However, my team(10 years expedite experience in their own truck) is asking for more pay to offset poor mileage. They get 65%, tolls they pay, 65% fuel surgage(rest in escrow to pay fuel tax). They pay fuel but are not charged for qualcom/PRepass, etc,. I'm trying to decide if this si a reasonable request and if others have had this request from teams. If so, strategies for paying. They are seasoned professionals and I don't want to lose them. Their truck(single axle) with Cat(also reffer/APU/liftgate) got 9-10 mpg. Thanks for any assistance/thoughts.