"Tea-Party Downgrade"....


Veteran Expediter
The liberal talking points were delivered just in time for the Sunday morning talk shows and of course, there's no blame for the administration OR congress. All of them squawking the same thing with more to join in as the days wear on.

If you missed it today, I'm sure you'll be able to catch more of the same tomorrow...and the next day...and the next.....

Like the good parrots they are.....tea-party downgrade.....tea-party downgrade.....Barry want a cracker.....


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Saw a poll the other day where 86% of Americans disapprove of the performance of Congress. Who are these butt-stupid 14%?


Seasoned Expediter
Saw kerry last night,I think it was CNN was saying this.Also blaming the down grade of the US credit on the tea party.Funny really when you think back over the last 2 years everything negative that has been said about the tea party.At the same time who else were they gonna blame.

I know some will disagree with me but this is gonna hurt the dems alot more then the tea party or republicans.IMHO the fact that Obama.and the democrats had control of congress for two years and did nothing but spend is gonna be a big issue.If not for spending 2 trillion plus in two years we would not have this problem of a down grade.If they would not have spent 2 trillion in two years Obama would not have had to ask for a increase.Also while the democrats enjoyed control of the House,Senate and white house and went on a spending spree. they knew this increase in borrowing needed to get done yet did nothing.Be sure the tea party will use this against the dems.

"Tea-party Downgrade" I dont think so.But then what else are they gonna say!:D


Veteran Expediter
Going back to last December, maybe Harry Reid should take more than a little of the blame. They COULD have raised the debt ceiling while they had control but just like the lack of passing a budget, he took a pass.....

"I want the Republicans to have some buy-in on the debt," he said. "They're going to have a majority in the House. I think they should have some kind of a buy-in on the debt. I don't think it should be when we have a heavily Democratic Senate, a heavily Democratic House and a Democratic president."


That old hindsight sure is 20/20!


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Fleet Owner
Getting harder to blame Bush, so they have to find something new. Those darn economic terrorists.


Veteran Expediter
Saw kerry last night,I think it was CNN was saying this.Also blaming the down grade of the US credit on the tea party.Funny really when you think back over the last 2 years everything negative that has been said about the tea party.At the same time who else were they gonna blame.

The fact that CNN would actually show this gibberish without questioning him further on it, shows what kind of liberal circus they really are. Yeah, Fox has a right-wing slant to it. But they have shown they don't have a problem asking anyone the hard questions.


Not a Member
Getting harder to blame Bush, so they have to find something new. Those darn economic terrorists.

If the 60 or so Tea Party members who voted against the debt deal are "economic terrorists", what are the 90 plus Liberal Democrats who voted with their Tea Party counterparts in the nay? *hears the crickets*

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
The fact that CNN would actually show this gibberish without questioning him further on it, shows what kind of liberal circus they really are. Yeah, Fox has a right-wing slant to it. But they have shown they don't have a problem asking anyone the hard questions.

He was also on NBC's "meet the depressed" (Mark Levin's name for it) this morning touting the same garbage and of course, he wasn't called on it there either.


Veteran Expediter
He was also on NBC's "meet the depressed" (Mark Levin's name for it) this morning touting the same garbage and of course, he wasn't called on it there either.

I guess they took a page from Chris Matthews in that, it's hard to throw a Hardball, when you have a "tingling" running down your leg. :eek:


Seasoned Expediter
I just think its funny "RACIST" did not work so now its been bumped up to "terrorist".However IMO like trying to show them as racist back fired so will labeling them terrorist.:D


Veteran Expediter
I just think its funny "RACIST" did not work so now its been bumped up to "terrorist".However IMO like trying to show them as racist back fired so will labeling them terrorist.:D

True that and why is someone, anyone, that stands for fiscal responsibility looked down upon, called ridiculous names, compared to those that want to kill us, etc.? This coming from the very people that are so politically correct that they can't even call a real terrorist a terrorist!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For those that might be interested in how our country got in this economic mess I highly recommend RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner. An interesting and well sourced explanation of how and why we had such a colossal collapse of our financial system, and who was responsible. It only cost a few bucks to download on Kindle, and is available in all the bookstores. It should be required reading for anyone who intends to vote in our next election.


Veteran Expediter
For those that might be interested in how our country got in this economic mess I highly recommend RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner. An interesting and well sourced explanation of how and why we had such a colossal collapse of our financial system, and who was responsible. It only cost a few bucks to download on Kindle, and is available in all the bookstores. It should be required reading for anyone who intends to vote in our next election.

You know what they say about great minds...not that mine works all the time....I downloaded that one after Rush recommended it but haven't gotten to it yet.....so much to read, so little time!


Seasoned Expediter
I think perhaps the most funny one I have heard yet is that the tea party is unpatriotic.Case in point.



Yet they call us unpatriotic:)

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Veteran Expediter
I have nothing against flying the flag upside down, since it's a sign of distress and that's the point you're trying to make. I'm not a flag-waver, not a my-country-right-or-wrong guy...but the guy dragging the flag on the ground still should have taken a beating.