Looking Both Ways Taxes Only Truckers Have to Pay : Looking Both Ways


Staff member
Below is a condensed example of Ohio’s IFTA Tax Form. This tax form can be completed on line via a well constructed Excel spreadsheet. Each state’s fuel tax rates are listed in the very left column. You would only fill in miles in each state and gallons purchased in each state. The spreadsheet is automatic and calculates after data is entered.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
The mileage tax rates that Premium Group posted in the write-up are not the current one, they go back to 2004,

Go to Company - IfTA GmbH. IFTA Tax rates change every Quarter so there could be anywhere from 1 to 4 different amounts of tax for each state,
But basically only Independent Owner Operators with their own Authority have to fill out there own Fuel Tax forms. Where as all the Drivers that are on with the Major Carriers pay the fuel tax for them and it is deducted from there settlements. The first 3 quarters are posted January -September 2013, the 4th Quarter will be posted late December or early January 2014

Franklin Katz, ATP,PA, PB

Frank's Tax & Business Service
315 E. King St.
Kings Mountain, NC 28086
Local # 704-739-4039
Toll Free# 877-857-1040

E-Mail: [email protected])
Website: Filing Services
IRS Circular 230 Notice: Unless expressly stated otherwise in this
transmission, any tax advice contained herein, forwarded with or attached to this message was not and is not intended to be used, nor may it be relied upon or used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of (1) the avoidance of any tax-related penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or applicable state or local tax law provisions, or (2) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any tax transaction or tax-related matters that may be addressed herein.

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Staff member
Motor Carrier Executive
Safety & Compliance
Carrier Management
"IFTA Tax rates change every Quarter so there could be anywhere from 1 to 4 different amounts of tax for each state,
But basically only Independent Owner Operators with their own Authority have to fill out there own Fuel Tax forms. Where as all the Drivers that are on with the Major Carriers pay the fuel tax for them and it is deducted from there settlements. The first 3 quarters are posted January -September 2013, the 4th Quarter will be posted late December or early January 2014"


I think I lead to the fact that most Carriers file and report for their independent contractors, and also that fuel tax rates change - sometimes even midquarter" - see paragraph regarding Massachusetts. I also referred readers to use the hyperlink for the Ohio IFTA Tax from which will show current rates. In other states I referred readers to the states for detailed (current) info. I also mentioned the various taxes (1 to 4 different amounts) of tax for each state. As you are aware each tax depends on a variety of Carrier operations - vehicle size, mileage, Intra-Authority and so on.

Sorry if you did not understand the post.

Hope all is well.
